How To Make A Build That Best Fits Fire Knight’s Greatsword In Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree?

Elden Ring has added a lot of powerful weapons in this latest DLC, but have you tried the strong additions to the colossal sword class in the game? This category includes Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword, Moonrithyll’s Knight Sword, and Fire Knight’s Greatsword we are talking about today.

In this weapon category, Fire Knight’s Greatsword stands out from the crowd because of its powerful moves and some unique abilities. It has the light attack combination of the legendary Godslayer Greatsword, the classic stabbing attack of the giant sword, and the lightweight characteristics of the iconic Zweihander.

How To Make A Build That Best Fits Fire Knight’s Greatsword In Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree?

But the rarity of this excellent weapon is also its only drawback. You can only find it on rare Fire Knights in Shadow Keep. Once you have it, you can make a pretty perfect build around it, making your entire character more powerful. Before creating a build, you need to have 22 Strength, 18 Dexterity, and 12 Faith. This guide will show you how to make the most powerful build around Fire Knight’s Greatsword.

Best Affinity And Stats

Fire Knight’s Greatsword has a special feature that it can get extra damage from fire-related Ashes of War or Grease. This means that it can also be blessed with flame incantation. So you need to infuse flame when making a build, which can greatly increase the power of this weapon.

Similarly, Flame is the best affinity for Fire Knight’s Greatsword because it is highly correlated with Faith stat. So you can prioritize flame, and other infusions may not be as useful for this weapon.

Ideally, you should end up with 60 Faith so that you can get Flame affinity. If this stat is not reached, you can try the following 60 Strength, both of which will greatly increase the attack power of Fire Knight’s Greatsword. Don’t overdo it though, as the benefits of one of these two attributes start to diminish after your attribute is above 60.

If you have a Strength, Faith, or hybrid Strength-Faith build, then Fire and Flame affinities are your best bet. For some enemies that are resistant to fire, switching to a Heavy or Sacred affinity can be a big help. They will also allow you to defeat enemies more easily and obtain Elden Ring Runes faster.

Best Ashes Of War

In Fire Knight’s Greatsword, you have access to a variety of powerful Ashes of War. As mentioned above, Flame infusion does more damage, so you should prioritize Ashes of War that deal fire damage, provide fire infusion, and have a Fire or Flame affinity. In the DLC, you can choose between Ash of War Flame Spear and Ash of War Flame Skewer.

Both of these Ashes of War are Flame affinity Ashes of War that are very powerful in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. In contrast, Flame Spear has a longer range and can launch a stabbing attack to close the distance between you and the enemy, allowing you to defeat enemies more easily while keeping a safe distance. You can also use Elden Ring Runes to enhance your Ashes of War, so you may have an easier time in combat.

Flame Skewer is a fire variant of Giant Hunt skill with a follow-up attack. Both of these provide you with additional fire damage, the former lasting 15 seconds and the latter lasting 45 seconds.

In addition, you can choose between Flame of Redmanes, Lion’s Claw, Savage Lion’s Claw, and Cragblade. Flame of Redmanes provides you with AOE fire attack, Lion’s Claw and Savage Lion’s Claw both provide you with High attack and stance damage. The last Cragblade can increase your physical attack and stance damage.

If you find some better equipment than the items recommended in this guide during the game, you can find Elden Ring player community in Discord and express your opinions there. IGGM Discord will occasionally release some welfare information in the community, come and participate!

Best Talismans

For the talismans, it depends on your play style and weapon. For Fire Knight’s Greatsword, you still need something with Flame infusion, so Shard of Alexander is your best choice, as it provides you with 15% extra damage.

If you are ready to fight the enemy head-on, Spear Talisman is also a good choice, because Fire Knight’s Greatsword can be used when you use crouching and charging attacks. In addition to the above two, you can also choose Godfrey Icon to increase your charge thrust.

Just now I have been talking about increasing attack power. For survivability, Erdtree’s Favor +2 and Bull Goat’s talisman can provide you with enough balance to hit the target enemy you marked. Also, since colossal swords drain a lot of your stamina, you might also consider picking up Two-Headed Turtle Talisman to speed up your stamina regeneration.

Read More: Elden Ring: How To Choose Between Priestess Heart And Rock Heart In Shadow Of The Erdtree?

Best Buffs

Fire Knight’s Greatsword can be enhanced in a number of ways, but the easiest way is to drink Flask of Wondrous Physick with Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear and Stonebarb Cracked Tear. The former increases your fire damage, while the latter increases your stance damage.

You can also use Spiked Cracked Tear or Oil Soaked Tear instead of Stonebarb Cracked Tear, which increases the damage of your charged attacks. With Oil Soaked Tear, you can apply the oil to enemies to increase their fire damage. But you need to be careful about your positioning at this time, as if you are too close, the fire will burn you.

Since Fire Knight’s Greatsword is tied to Faith build, you have access to a wide variety of beneficial spells, including buffs, such as Golden Vow, which gives you some extra damage and some extra damage reduction, and you can stack it with Flame, Grant me Strength incantation, which gives you more fire and physical damage.

The above is how to make a powerful build around Fits Fire Knight’s Greatsword, I hope it can make your battles easier.

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