There Are A Lot Of Surprising Zones In FFXIV Dawntrail To Feast Your Eyes On!

FFXIV is a very popular game in MMO series, and its expansion Dawntrail also brings a lot of different content to players, including the highly praised MSQ. In addition to Tural, players will experience a different exotic atmosphere, and the controversial inheritance ceremony is at its center.

Throughout the journey of Dawntrail MSQ, you will travel through most of Tural and experience a very fragmented visual experience from jungle to cyberpunk city. Each zone has its own unique attributes and is memorable to players.

There Are A Lot Of Surprising Zones In FFXIV Dawntrail To Feast Your Eyes On!


The quietest place in Yok Tural is Yok Tural, which is also the home of Pelupelu and Yok Huy. Urqopacha is composed of Tural’s highest peak, Worqor Zormor, and the surrounding highs and lows, where you, as a Warrior of Light, will fight the legendary beast Valigarmanda with Wuk Lamat.

Additionally, the land around Urqopacha is mostly stone and barren, which is why alpacas are the main wildlife here. The many ancient buildings and ruins of Yok Huy and Tural form many of the landmarks of this place, and also make this land enduring.


Kozama’uka is the first thing you see when you enter FFXIV Dawntrail. This land is full of tropical forests and rivers, and there are some small settlements around it, living by the water. Kozama’uka is also the home of Hanu, and the waterfalls and forests here make you feel you are in Amazon rainforest.

Kozama’uka is full of palm trees, rivers and all kinds of exotic wildlife. It is an ideal starting zone, especially in South American culture of Dawntrail.

Yak T’el

Yak T’el can be said to be the most diverse zone in Dawntrail. It is roughly divided into two parts - the home of Xbr’aal living in the highlands and the home of Mamool Ja living deep in the jungle.

FFXIV Yak T’el

In comparison, the lowlands where Mamool Ja lives are the highlight of this zone. In the lowlands, there are bright and beautiful blue, glowing wildlife, trees, etc., which make it highly similar to the picture in Avatar.

In the highlands, Xbr’aal is bathed in the sun in the woodland, forming a strong contrast with the beautiful scenery of the lowlands.

Heritage Found

When you enter Shaaloani on Dawntrail, you will see Heritage Found, and the reflection of Tural and Alexandria is reflected in this place. This means that Heritage Found is a vacant land, without any scenery or life, and most of it was destroyed in the war in Alexandria.

But fortunately, the farms in this place use advanced technology from Alexandria, which also makes many things grown in a bright and colorful color presented to the player. The wasteland of Heritage Found and these bright colors are mixed together, forming a strong contrast with other zones in FFXIV.


After you and Koana are crowned as Dawnservants in Lamat, you will continue to Shaaloani with Erenville. In this wasteland of survival in the desert, Shaaloani is full of life, with many settlements and towns, the most charming of which is a western-style town called Hhusatahwi.

FFXIV Shaaloani

Hhusatahwi is full of taverns and jails run by the local town sheriff, allowing players to immerse themselves in Western style. In addition, Shaaloani’s OST is also the most unforgettable OST in the entire Dawntrail, especially its night theme, which is full of melancholy and shrouds the entire Shaaloani desert.


In each expansion of FFXIV, a central city is needed, where players can use multiple functions and talk to multiple NPCs and complete tasks to obtain FFXIV Gil, and Dawntrail is no exception.

Tuliyollal, as the central city of Dawntrail, is the home of Dawnservant Gulool Ja Ja and his son Zoraal Ja, as well as Koana and the protagonist Lamat in the expansion. Of course, most of MSQ in Dawntrail is located here.

In this exotic city, most of Tuliyollal’s urban design is also deeply influenced by South American culture. For example, most of the scenery is designed as a coastal town or resort. Tuliyollal is full of tropical houses, various institutions, and noisy but not chaotic markets. You can definitely feel the vibrant atmosphere of this zone when you explore it.

Solution Nine

Hidden in Everkeep is Solution Nine, a city with a very Cyberpunk feel, where many survivors of Alexandria live. Solution Nine is governed by King Zoraal Ja and Queen Sphene. It is also a very futuristic city with very bright lights everywhere. Scions and Lamat who explore with you are very surprised by its size.

Solution Nine is also divided into multiple zones, such as the residential zone, the government buildings of Resolution, True Vue, and Nexus Arcade. Each part has its own unique design and function, which can gradually turn the city into a utopia for survivors. Even the residents here wear futuristic clothing.

Living Memory

Living Memory is also the most amazing zone, mainly because there are all kinds of entertainment and wonders in this city. Especially its Venice version, where quaint houses surround canals and riverboats, allowing players to relax here.

In addition, Living Memory also provides players with an amusement park full of scenery such as carousels and Ferris wheels, allowing players to return to their childhood in a second and create their own utopia.

There is also a volcano in this zone, which preserves most of Milalla’s history. You can feel the thickness of the city through these histories and sigh at the current vitality. Although Sphene will lose to Warrior of Light, leaving most of the beautiful scenery of Living Memory in ruins, this empty city is still worth exploring.

After understanding these zones in Dawntrail, do you want to open the game and feast your eyes? Then I wish you a happy exploration in Dawntrail!

Elden Ring Shadow Of the Erdtree With New Level Mechanics And Content May Be Released As The Final Story

In fact, in the past two years, there have been constant rumors that there will be new DLC. But it's all uncertain. As a result, news like this constantly piques players' interest and then disappoints them. I believe many players have quit Elden Ring because of this, but this time it is really coming. I believe there will be players who will return to Elden Ring after seeing the release date of Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.Elden Ring’s new expansion Shadow of the Erdtree DLC will be ushered in on June 21st. Currently, Miyazaki claims that this is the only DLC for Elden Ring. So the story of Elden Ring is coming to an end after Shadow of the Erdtree. Shadow of the Erdtree will be the last journey for players in Elden Ring. There will be many changes in Shadow of the Erdtree, a lot of new content will be added, and the difficulty will increase.

Elen Ring Shadow Of the Erdtree With New Level Mechanics And Content May Be Released As The Final Story

1. New Leveling Mechanic

Miyazaki mentioned a separate leveling mechanic in the interview. Since two years have passed since the release of Elden Ring, most players have fully leveled characters. FromSoft is also aware of this problem, so in order to ensure the future game experience, a separate leveling mechanic was proposed. It is outside of “the Lands Between” and players will have their own “level element”. This is more like a balancing mechanism that exists to maintain a fair environment. If such adjustments are not made when Shadow of the Erdtree is about to launch, the subsequent game experience will become confusing. Therefore, Miyazaki emphasized that if you do not put a protective lock on the game balance, it is better to start from scratch. This is also unfair to veteran players, so in order to ensure the interests of most players, a separate leveling mechanic was born.

2. New Game Content

Shadow of the Erdtree has a huge amount of content, including eight new weapon types, as well as many brand new casts, such as the legendary St. Trina. This will be a highlight and very much anticipated. She echoes past video content and is associated with some Legendary, Materials, Special Weapons and recipes. This also means that the entire Elden Ring will form a closed loop, and many things have been reasonably explained.

The protagonist of Shadow of the Erdtree is Miquella, who has an unusual relationship with Trina. I believe everyone knows the similarities between Miquella’s Lily and Trina’s Lily. I was so impressed that he took off his hat to show respect when Miyazaki said this.

Elden Ring St. Trina

And a new boss is coming soon: Messmer the Impaler. From the official PV, we can see that he has iconic red hair and his skills are very cool. Messmer the Impaler inserts a spear into the ground, and the lava boils, and then many spikes suddenly appear around it. If you fail to get out of the range in time, you may be knocked away by it or even get hung up on it.

Elden Ring Messmer the Impaler

This is exactly the same as the historical Dracula who liked to hang people on thorns. He’s almost a demigod. His life experience is also worthy of everyone’s exploration and guessing. This Boss is very difficult and requires top operation. I think this boss is so handsome. Whether it’s the appearance design, skill special effects, or his connection with the story itself, it’s worthy of careful exploration by us players.

Elden Ring Dracula like Impalement

In addition, taking into account the situation in the world of Elden Ring, many well-known NPCs will not appear in Shadow of the Erdtree. In this way, everyone can understand that this is not an eternal world, and the life and death of NPCs are irreversible. Everything lost will only become regrets and remain in memory. Creating a utopia is not Miyazaki’s goal.

Some people may be reluctant to ask if this is the end? Is the ending of Shadow of the Erdtree the ending of Elden Ring?

I think you are thinking too simply. Shadow of the Erdtree will have different options and endings, which players need to explore by themselves. As for which one is the standard ending, Miyazaki didn’t say much. The reason for having multiple possibilities is also to make it easier for players to replay the game. It feels as if Miyazaki left the ending blank and left it to the players to fill it in. Some people speculate that although he has emphasized that it will be the last DLC of Elden Ring. They do not rule out the form in which FromSoft will publish the sequel to Elden Ring again, including books, comics, videos, etc.

After all, this is a DLC released two years after Elden Ring was released in 2022. Veteran players have been idle in the original world for a long time. Seeing that the challenge is coming, it is time for us to move our bodies and welcome Shadow of the Erdtree. Nothing is easy in Elden Ring. Let’s take up arms and prepare for new battle.

Top 3 Adjustments In Diablo 4 Season 4: Crafting System, Boss And Class

Diablo 4 Season 4, scheduled to be released at 10 am PST on May 14, 2024, has been deeply adjusted based on players’ evaluation of the PTR. Devs had adjusted in several aspects including Affixes, Tempering, Masterworking, The Pit, Helltide, Class Changes, and Boss Ladder. As you can see, these are mainly done from the aspects of crafting system, Boss and class. All that is being prepared to show players shows that Blizzard hopes to use this season to revive Diablo 4, regain those who have left the game, and also seems to have paved the way for future expansions or other endgame content. Without further ado, the main content begins!

Top 3 Adjustments In Diablo 4 Season 4: Crafting System, Boss And Class

Adujustments To Crafting System

The most important thing for a warrior is his weapon. Those of you who are going through all kinds of obstacles must hope that your gears can give full play to its greatest advantages on the battlefield instead of becoming your weakness. The strength of a gear depends largely on its Affixes. I believe everyone knows the Affixes called “Damage on Tuesdays”. Now it’s gone, replaced by some better and more effective Affixes. These are for normal equipment. For Ancentral Legendary and Unique items, Greater Affixes have been added. The item power of these powerful Affixes is 925. This is incomparable to ordinary Affixes. Some gears have some strong Affixes, but they have shortcomings. At this time, you can choose to temper the weapon. You can temper based on the Affixes contained in Tempering Manuals obtained from seasonal events. But the Affixes you get only give you a range. Which one you get is completely random. I really hope you are a lucky person and can get what you want. Because Tempering and Enchanting are different, you cannot reset them. In my opinion, although the devs have limited the range of Affixes that can be added to Tempering Manuals based on PTR feedback, its randomness and inability to reset make it still very difficult for everyone to get the Affixes they want. So, if you want to get good Affixes, you must prepare enough Tempering Manuals and try again and again. However, Tempering Manuals must be obtained from Season 4 related activities.

Adujustments To Crafting System In Diablo 4 Season 4

When you have good Affixes on your gears, you have to realize that your gears are not achieving the best results. Masterworking is the key to improving strength in the new season. Its main function is to increase the value of each Affix on the equipment, which will be greatly improved every 4 levels. And devs virtually eliminate the possibility of failure. I think this makes the Masterworking process simple.

In summary, it can be seen that the devs’ changes to the Crafting system are based on everyone’s feedback, and they actively realize the shortcomings in gear enhancement. They start from Affix and add Affixes to the gears through Tempering and strengthen Affixes through Masterworking. This complete system has been completed. It also simplifies some unnecessary processes.

Also Read: Diablo 4: How To Farm Fiend Rose? - A Complete Guide

Adujustments To Boss

The first is the adjustment of the Shadow Boss in The Pit, and it is also an adjustment to The Pit itself. The drops of materials will be distributed according to the tier breakpoints and the number of participants, which makes The Pit more playable and a guaranteed profitable business.

Adujustments To Boss In Diablo 4 Season 4

I believe that many people have experienced the situation of being hit and killed by Shadow Boss’s residual attack after completing the task. After adjustment, it makes you immune to the residual attackso that it will not happen again. Such a surprise, everyone can safely check their hard-earned rewards.

The return of Helltide also brings some adjustments. We will accumulate Threat Level by killing monsters. After reaching the full level, Hellborne will come. By killing him, we will get one Banefule Hearts. By having three Banefule Hearts, we can activate the Accursed Ritual to summon Blood Maiden. If you are teaming up with your partners, whoever consumes Banefule Heart will get richer rewards for killing Blood Maiden.

Aberrant Cinders’ drop rates have also been increased throughout Helltide. At the same time, there is also a panacea called Profane Mindcage that can improve the level of monsters in Helltide. After the upgrade, monsters will drop richer rewards.

In addition, Andariel joined the Boss Ladder in Season 4. We are still in the same place as the original summons, but using three times the summon resources in exchange for five times the loot rewards. Besides getting Resplendent Spark, Uber Uniques' drop rate is the same as other bosses' loot drop rate.

Adujustments To Class

Some adjustments have been made to Class. The Armor System has ushered in a big change. If your Armor value reaches 9230, you only need to take up to 15% of the opponent's damage, no matter what the total damage is. Supported by the confidence that this positive effect gives you, no matter how powerful the boss combination is waiting for you, there is no need to be afraid. The fact before you is that you must have an armor value of at least 13K before you can defeat the strongest boss, who is not the ordinary monster you encountered in the previous levels.

Adujustments To Class About Diablo 4 Season 4 Armor

In general, Season 4 has greatly improved players’ gears from 3 aspects. The increase in the loot drop rate provides necessary materials for everyone to upgrade their gears. In this way, the strength of all players will be greatly improved during Season 4, and the playing experience will be optimized. Let us look forward to the arrival of the new season together.

4 Campaign Details In Diablo 4 Season 4 About Hellborn, Andariel, Iron Wolves & Blood Maiden

A reborn brings the Burning Hells back to the battlefield. Are you ready for another fierce invasion? Players who have struggled with Season of Blood should still be deeply impressed by this. In those battles, if it weren’t for the persistent teammates around you and the sufficient consumables you carry, you might have fallen long ago. Now, they’re here again! What we can foresee at present is that until the end of Diablo 4 Season 4, you may be affected by Helltide changes every time you enter the game. This is a disaster that no one can avoid.

Well, now that Helltide has arrived again, running away is not the answer. Only by going deep into it can we find a glimmer of hope. You’ll face a tidal wave of monsters, but you’ll always get Tortured Gifts. You will accumulate Threat in future battles. The more monsters you kill, the more frequently you open Tortured Gifts, which is directly proportional to the Threat you finally gain. After accumulating Threat to level 3, the number of times you are ambushed as Hell-Marked also increases.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Are You Ready For Helltide Reborn(1)

In the end, you need to fight your way out of the siege surrounded by thousands of monsters. But don’t take it lightly now. Because the most powerful warrior in Sanctuary has returned, and after death he is still a king-level existence in hell. Beat him to death and you will get Baneful Hearts, which is used to start Accursed Ritual. After all the hardships, do you think this ritual can be started smoothly? Bro, are you wishful thinking? Think about it. How could there be such a simple good thing in past activities? Well, it’s not that simple either. Anyway, you must have 3 Baneful Hearts to accomplish this. Some players may want to give up when they see this, but think about it. You may have prepared enough consumables, weapons or armor before entering the first round of fighting, but now you have succeeded once. If you get here, if you give up, you will suffer a big loss.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Are You Ready For Helltide Reborn(2)

What you need to know is that opening Accursed Ritual does not mean that you have opened the treasure house, but that you have gained the qualification to challenge Blood Maiden. Three Baneful Hearts bring not only these but also a huge reward after you kill Blood Maiden. This is proof that you have overcome hardships along the way. You deserve it.

After all, Helltide is not comparable to some daily tasks, and its arrival is not something everyone can bear. When monsters come like a tide, some warriors will always die. The success of something depends not only on luck but also on daily practice. Accumulate strength and experience in practice. When it comes, you will be able to take it easy. You can rehearse the arrival of Helltide in World Tier I and II in advance. Due to the limitations of world level, it won’t be difficult and you won’t lose much.

But if you are a person who dares to challenge the difficulty and desires more generous rewards. All of this must not satisfy you. You may be thinking: Is this all? My answer is no, of course not. In the world of Diablo 4, there is something that can increase the monster level by 10 every time you use it, ensuring that Cinder will drop after killing the monster. This good thing is Profane Mindcage, which is a panacea..

Diablo 4 Season 4 Are You Ready For Helltide Reborn(3)

First of all, you must have enough stocks of consumables and powerful equipment to support Helltide after you upgrade the monster level. When the level of the monster continues to approach level cap after using Profane Mindcage, your benefits from it will decrease. If you want to really get a piece of the Helltide pie, hurry up and upgrade your level. Level is your foundation. Without the foundation, there is no building.

Stock up on supplies, level up, and upgrade equipment. Let’s be fully prepared to survive in Helltide and get the ultimate reward.

Related: Diablo 4: How To Choose Between Seasonal Realm And Eternal Realm In Season 1?

The Race Against Time In Dungeons

At the same time that Helltide happened, news seemed to come from the dungeons in the north of Sanctuary, claiming that there are some strange ores there that can upgrade your armor through the exclusive technology of Horadric techniques. I believe that you who are experiencing the torture of Helltide will never let go of this opportunity to upgrade. Of your equipment. But there is never a free lunch. The news that came not only mentioned the strange ore in the northern dungeons but also mentioned that there was some kind of dangerous existence there. If you and your teammates happily head to the northern dungeons after hearing the news, you’re bound to suffer a lot there.

Diablo 4 Season 4 The Race Against Time In Dungeons

The northern dungeons of the Sanctuary are in The Pit of Artificer, which also contains the Obelisk in Cerrigar. It is your gateway into the beckoning depths of The Pit. This obelisk contains mysterious magic that requires a certain number of Runeshards as keys to open. Four people can enter together, but not everyone will consume Runeshards. Only one of you needs to use it. Arrange in advance that whoever uses them will get the Stygian Stones on the next mission, so don’t get into any disputes over this.

Runeshards can be obtained simply through almost all Endgame activities after completing a Tier 46 Nightmare Dungeon. I don’t need to say more about this.

When you successfully reach the beckoning depths of The Pit, many monsters will appear. Please tighten your nerves, because the next step will be a race against time. You must try to reduce the number of deaths as much as possible. Each time you die, an additional 30 seconds will be subtracted. The total is only ten minutes. Don’t drag your teammates down. Now is not the time to fight alone, we must help each other. Teamwork is very important. After killing a sufficient number of monsters, a portal appears in front of you. You don’t know where you are going and what you will face next, but this is the journey, and the unknown is the meaning of exploration.

When you open your eyes again and you come to the Boss’ territory, the timer on the screen starts counting down. I think you should understand that this will be another fierce battle. If you and your teammates cooperate very well and there are 6 minutes left after killing the boss, then you can challenge a higher difficulty level. But if there are 4-6 minutes left, you can still unlock additional Tiers of the Pit. The Pit has 200 total levels of difficulty.

All in all, this is a race against time.

Call Of Tormented Echoes

The Maiden of Anguish, that is, Andariel, has returned home and will join hands with his brother Duriel to face the coming challengers. Tormented Echoes are calling to you. Take the Stygian Stones and other regular summon materials you obtained from the dungeons in the north of Sanctuary to summon all level 200 or above of the Tormented Echo variant and challenge. In return for victory, the items dropped are all level 925, and as compensation for failure, you will receive one Resplendent Spark the first time you are defeated.Just like her brother Duriel will drop Duriel Mats, defeating Andariel will also drop Andariel Materials.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Call f Tormented Echoes

Suspicions Abound, Who Is Behind The Scenes?

The death of Iron Wolves members does not seem to be as simple as it seems on the surface. There seems to be an invisible hand behind this matter that is controlling everything. As the guardians of Sanctuary, Iron Wolves always uphold this supreme honor and belief, and are rare partners. In the new story, you will join forces with the Iron Wolves to find out the initiator behind this whole thing. The meeting with Soudeh in Khejistan seems to be a turning point in this matter. Let’s work together to protect Sanctuary. After completing the task, you will also be able to obtain several Tempering Manuals.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Suspicions Abound, Who Is Behind The ScenesF

Keep A Brave Heart

Since you fought hard in the Helltides, prevented the Hellborn and Blood Maiden from coming, successfully defeated the Tormented Echoes, and successfully defended the Sanctuary with the Iron Wolves, the reward communication certificate will give generous rewards, such as new Legendary Aspects, 3 Scrolls of Amnesia and Awoken Demigod Armor Sets, etc.

During Season 4: Loot Reborn, Tejal’s Shop will update its inventory with the Demon’s Heart Bundle for the barbarian, which consists of the Demonheart Armor Set and 2 Demonheart Weapon Cosmetics.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Keep A Brave Heart(2)

The journey and adventure will not let you down. I hope you will always have a brave heart. The next story will only be more exciting. The road we go will be long. Let’s go together. Come on.

Essential Addons For WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 3

What are the essential addons for Season of Discovery Phase 3? Today, I’ll provide my recommendations on which addons I believe are crucial to have.

Essential Addons For WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 3

Nova World Buffs

The initial addon is called Nova World Buffs.

Its function is to monitor the current layer you’re on, which is then displayed at the top right corner of the minimap. Why is this feature crucial? It addresses the scenario where you might find yourself on a layer crowded with too many players, leading to excessive competition during quests or open-world farming.

To mitigate this issue, I employ a secondary account to invite me to a different layer. As observed, the player density significantly reduces upon switching to Layer 3. It’s advisable to seek assistance from someone in your guild or through world chat to invite you to another layer. However, it’s imperative that they also possess this addon for them to ascertain their current layer.


The following addon is AtlasLootClassic.

It’s crucial that it includes “Classic” in its name. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on viewing all the new loot introduced in Season of Discovery. This includes items updated in SoD Phase 3 and the newly added raids.

The primary reason I advocate for AtlasLoot is its capability to aid in mapping out your leveling path to level 50. Additionally, it assists in identifying the dungeons essential to focus on at maximum level to obtain specific items necessary for raiding readiness.


When leveling up, whether it’s your main character or any other character, acquiring Questie is highly recommended.

WoW SoD Questie

This addon serves various functions, including tracking quests, indicating locations to both obtain and turn in quests, as well as identifying flight points, mailboxes, repair vendors, and other useful points of interest. Not only does Questie facilitate faster leveling, but it also proves invaluable when new quests are introduced in Phase 3, potentially including those related to new profession items. These new quests will be conveniently displayed within the addon, greatly aiding your progress.

Moreover, Questie features a useful indicator within Nameplates and target portraits: a small bag. This bag serves to highlight whether an NPC needs to be defeated or if there’s an action required to fulfill a specific quest.

Additionally, it will display on your map, directing you to the precise location needed to complete the task at hand. Thus, installing Questie is highly recommended for smoother and more efficient leveling.

Better Vendor Price

Better Vendor Price provides information on the monetary value of a specific item in terms of copper, silver, and WoW SoD Gold if you opt to sell it directly from your inventory window, bypassing the need to visit the Auction House.

This feature proves beneficial in scenarios where my inventory is full, and I must discard items to make space for quest items. Additionally, it assists in selecting the most valuable reward from a quest.


I typically pair this with another addon called Auctionator.

When you search for specific items at the Auction House, Auctionator records their prices. This makes it easier for you to decide whether to sell the item to a vendor or list it on the Auction House for potentially higher profits.

Another reason I recommend this addon is its user-friendly buying and selling process. To sell an item from your bags, simply navigate to the selling interface and select the item. The addon will then scan for the lowest price and list your item slightly cheaper, ensuring you don’t significantly undercut others and maximizing your profit potential.

When making purchases, simply input the desired item, and the addon will streamline the browsing process. The cheapest available option will be displayed at the top, preventing you from overpaying for materials or items.

WoW SoD Auctionator


Would you prefer a cleaner user interface? Consider installing Bartender4. This addon enables you to personalize your action bars and hide elements you don’t wish to see.

Setting up Bartender4 is straightforward. Simply type “/bt” and press Enter. You can then lock or unlock your action bars and adjust various settings, such as size, scale, and padding. Navigate to the specific action bar you wish to modify, such as action bar one.

You have the option to disable individual bars or add more if needed for spells or macros. Additionally, you can customize elements like your reputation or experience bar, adjusting their size and enabling or disabling them as desired. For instance, I’ve chosen to hide my Blizzard Art Bar to declutter the UI, including elements like the Griffins.

With Bartender4, you can also resize your micro and back bars, offering extensive customization options to streamline your user interface.


Once you've addressed the previous issue, you might also consider installing DarkMode.

This addon alters the visual display, rendering everything significantly darker. This includes your target portrait, character portrait, action bars, spell book, and more.

And don't forget, you can adjust the positioning of your target portraits by right-clicking on them and dragging them to a more comfortable location.

Importantly, no additional addon is required for this adjustment. Simply right-click on the target portrait to make changes.

Also Read: WOW Classic SOD: Master These 8 Valuable Quest Items To Stack More Pre-Quests For Phase 3


As you prepare for your initial raid, it's advisable to acquire Details.

This addon serves as an invaluable tool for monitoring not only your own performance but also that of your fellow raiders. It provides insights into metrics such as individual damage or healing output, as well as identifying issues like players standing in hazardous areas.

Utilizing Details enhances your ability to optimize raid performance by tracking various aspects critical to success.

Threat Plates

Some of you have suggested that I try out Threat Plates, and I'm genuinely pleased that I did.

I find it quite appealing. Firstly, the Nameplate feature significantly enlarges, with adjustable sizing options. Additionally, it now presents essential information such as remaining health and the duration of damage over time and crowd control effects.

I'm satisfied with my decision to explore Threat Plates, as I anticipate its continued use in the future.


I suggested that you use the damage font Nice Damage, which we had previously discussed. I am aware, though, that some people might have trouble getting it to work correctly. I looked into it and came up with a solution in response.

The CustomFontLoader addon, which offers detailed instructions, can be installed. Additionally, you can customize how your damage or healing is displayed by installing new typefaces. I think this functionality is quite amazing.


Among the plethora of bag organization options available, my preference lies with AdiBags.

WoW SoD AdiBags

When acquiring a new item, it appears distinctively highlighted, similar to gray items but with additional hues of blue and green. Epic items, too, are showcased in vibrant colors. AdiBags facilitates easy categorization of items into armor, jewelry, and other classifications.

Furthermore, it offers automated sorting capabilities. A convenient feature is located at the top right corner, represented by a 'V' symbol, allowing users to toggle item visibility. For instance, if you wish to exclude quest items from display, you can easily do so by disabling them.

By entering '/adibags' in your command prompt, you can access the configuration menu. Here, you can adjust various settings, including the scale of your backpack, to tailor your bag organization experience to your liking.

What's Training

For increased efficiency, consider installing What's Training.

Within your spell book, you'll notice a new feature: a question mark icon located at the bottom right corner. Clicking on this icon reveals the abilities available for acquisition at every other level. This functionality prevents unnecessary visits to your class trainer in search of useful abilities.

This tool proves particularly useful while leveling in the open world, providing clarity on whether to continue progressing or return to your main city for training.

OmniCC & Bigdebuff

The following recommendation is intended for individuals interested in PvP or those playing classes with crowd control abilities. Consider installing OmniCC along with another addon called Bigdebuff.

Utilizing these two addons in tandem enhances functionality, allowing you to monitor crowd control effects and their remaining duration.

Additionally, this information is conveniently displayed on your action bars, providing clear visibility of cooldown times.


During raiding sessions, it's advisable to install Deadly Boss Mode.

This addon provides on-screen alerts for critical raid mechanics, ensuring you're promptly informed of important events requiring attention.

It also facilitates marking targets for focused action, such as designating enemies with a skull symbol, as demonstrated with this totem.

How To Master Crafting In Last Epoch? - A Comprehensive Guide To Enhancing Your Gear

Crafting plays a pivotal role in advancing through the more challenging segments of Last Epoch. In this guide, we'll be examining a comprehensive crafting guide for this game. Let's begin without delay.

How To Master Crafting In Last Epoch? - A Comprehensive Guide To Enhancing Your Gear

Crafting Basic

Let's begin with the fundamentals.

Pressing the 'F' key will bring up your crafting menu. You can select any piece of gear and bring it to the crafting menu or the forge.

Within the crafting menu, you'll find the tiers of affixes on your gear. Pressing the 'Alt' button reveals the tiers of your affixes. Each tier ranges up to five for normal items, with Exalted items being purple and rolling up to t6s and t7s. As you progress further into the endgame, prioritize seeking out purple gear, as they can roll higher affixes than normal gear.

During the campaign, keep an eye out for resistances, which play a crucial role in mitigating incoming damage. If you encounter a boss or situation requiring specific resistances and your gear lacks them, swiftly craft the needed resistances.

For instance, if you possess an amulet with only 7% lightning resistance, consider enhancing it on the fly to counter a lightning-intensive boss encounter.

Now, let's delve into crafting basics.

Each item has forging potential, dictating the extent of crafting you can perform. When leveling up an affix, the game informs you of the forging potential cost, typically ranging from 1 to 10. Once the potential reaches zero, crafting on the item ceases, though you can still shatter it.

Utilize Glyphs of Hope to enhance crafting outcomes. These glyphs grant a 25% chance of no forging potential cost, maximizing your crafting efficiency.

Last Epoch Glyphs of Hope

Suppose you have an amulet with desirable attributes like minion health and damage over time, but undesirable lightning resistance. This is where Glyphs of Chaos come into play, allowing you to reroll affixes.

As you progress, identify crucial affixes for your build. For example, if you specialize in fire damage, prioritize acquiring fire-related affixes. Rolling unnecessary affixes is costly and often not worthwhile. Of course, if you have enough Last Epoch Gold, you can ignore this point. Focus on refining your gear to suit your build's needs effectively.

Related: This Formidable Torment Warlock In Last Epoch 1.0 Deserves You Attention!

How To Hunt Specific Affixes?

Now, let's discuss the pursuit of specific and high-value affixes in Last Epoch.

Certain affixes hold greater value and importance, and it's crucial to keep an eye out for them. One significant example is the "percent increase to health" affix.

This affix provides a substantial boost to health, as demonstrated by its 6% increase. Upon further leveling of the gear, even greater health bonuses can be attained. However, I've currently exhausted my supply of shards for this increased health affix, necessitating the acquisition of more shards to enhance this chest piece further, potentially up to Tier 5.

Identifying essential affixes and incorporating them into your loot filter is imperative for efficient item acquisition. Let's illustrate this with an example: suppose we aim to improve a particular item by breaking it down.

If we stumble upon such an item, regardless of its rarity, we could employ either a Rune of Removal or a Rune of Shattering, depending on our priorities. The Rune of Removal is ideal for preserving affix tiers, returning a corresponding number of shards. For instance, if targeting health bonuses, utilizing this rune on a Tier 5 affix would yield five health shards, facilitating significant enhancements.

However, using the Rune of Removal involves a degree of randomness. In our demonstration, although we targeted health, we ended up depleting the forging potential without achieving our goal, emphasizing the need for careful consideration.

Last Epoch Rune of Shattering

Conversely, the Rune of Shattering presents a more unpredictable outcome. It destroys the item, generating a random number of affix shards. While this method may yield desired results, it also carries a risk of obtaining fewer or even no shards, as seen in our attempt to improve the affix.

Ultimately, your approach depends on your immediate needs and the level of risk you're willing to accept. Utilizing Runes of Removal to secure specific shard quantities before resorting to Runes of Shattering can optimize your crafting endeavors. However, always exercise caution, particularly in the early stages of the game, where resources are limited and strategic decision-making is crucial.

How To Make A Loot Filter?

To prioritize these high-value affixes, it's beneficial to create a loot filter.

By pressing Shift + F, you can access the loot filter screen. Alternatively, navigate to your gameplay settings and manage the loot filter. Let's establish a new filter, naming it the xxx filter. Choose a symbol and designate it red for identification. Then, add a rule to designate certain affixes as high-priority.

To illustrate, let's prioritize health-related affixes, focusing on increased health and hybrid health over added health. Additionally, include movement speed and cooldown recovery speed, as they are universally beneficial for all builds.

With these conditions set, any item containing these affixes will be highlighted in red, making it easier to identify priority items amidst the clutter. For instance, we can now easily spot a belt with a 3% increase in health, indicating it's likely a tier one affix.

If such an item is encountered, and considering its low tier, using a shattering method to break it down may suffice, even if it doesn't yield the desired shards. For higher-tier affixes, such as tier three or above, employing a Rune of Removal may be necessary to acquire the desired quantity of shards.

That covers the fundamentals of crafting in Last Epoch. While there are numerous runes and glyphs to discuss, we'll touch on an advanced glyph known as the Rune of Ascendance.

The Rune of Ascendance transforms an item into a unique or set item of the same type. For example, applying it to a silver ring could yield any unique ring, regardless of its original type. This presents a fortunate opportunity to acquire desired legendaries for your build. Simply use the rune on a suitable item, such as a two-handed sword, to potentially obtain the legendary weapon you seek.

In summary, the Rune of Ascendance offers a strategic method to secure essential items for your build, albeit with an element of luck involved.

Approach IGGM: Exploring The Leading Game Trading Platform

With the ongoing expansion and evolution of the game trading market, players now have an increased array of options when selecting trustworthy platforms for trading in-game items and currencies. Through investigation, we found that G2G, PlayerAuctions, MMOGA, IGGM and other platforms are favored by many players. Each platform has its own unique products and services to meet the diverse needs of gamers.

Today, I have the privilege of interviewing the webmaster of IGGM, a renowned professional store known for its wide array of game products and services, establishing itself as an industry leader. Recognizing the significance of this opportunity to gain insights into IGGM, I've curated a set of key questions addressing the concerns users commonly have.

Approach IGGM: Exploring The Leading Game Trading Platform

Q: Can you elaborate on the game products and services provided by IGGM?

A: IGGM has been diversifying its offerings since its establishment in 2008, extending across various game products and services for multi-platforms or servers. This includes game coins, accounts, equipment, props, training, CDKeys and more.

Additionally, for popular games, we offer Boosting & Powerleveling services, ensuring a comprehensive range to cater to diverse gaming needs.

Q: Can you highlight the unique features and advantages of IGGM compared to similar platforms?

A: Certainly! IGGM prioritizes the concerns of players, and our distinct features set us apart. Firstly, we guarantee the lowest market prices for game products. Regular market price assessments and adjustments ensure our prices remain the most competitive. Additionally, our membership mechanism enables players to enjoy even more economical prices with increased purchases.

To enhance the gaming experience further, IGGM runs promotions during major holidays, allowing players to access their desired game products at more affordable prices, adding joy to their celebrations. Moreover, for players interested in earning while gaming, IGGM's Affiliate Program offers an opportunity to both make and save money.

Our efficient and professional team is another key advantage. In response to new game releases, we promptly update our game products and services, offering a broader selection. The cooperation of our customer service and delivery teams ensures a smooth and hassle-free order fulfillment process. Utilizing advanced technology, we prioritize the security of customer information and property.

No matter the issue, customers can reach out to us through Live Chat, Email, or Social Media. We are committed to actively resolving all inquiries and continuously improving our services.

Q: How does IGGM address potential risks and controversies associated with its services?

A: Addressing safety concerns is a top priority for IGGM.

To guarantee secure delivery, we utilize cutting-edge encryption technology to protect all customer data, ensuring the confidentiality of their personal information.

Moreover, we offer universally recognized and secure payment methods, including PayPal, Credit Cards, and various local payment options. Customers are free to select the method that best suits their preferences and circumstances.

In instances where orders face delays or encounter special circumstances preventing processing, we offer a refund option. While such situations are infrequent, they may occur during peak order periods. This also reflects that IGGM is very popular, doesn’t it?

Q: What feedback mechanisms and channels does IGGM utilize to enhance its services and ensure customer satisfaction?

A: Our 24-hour online customer service is a source of pride for IGGM. Whether you're a new or returning customer, once you place an order, our customer service team diligently assists you throughout the process. They ensure the accuracy of provided information, offer reminders about relevant precautions, and expedite the delivery process promptly. Whether you have questions or need updates on your order, our customer service is readily available. Upon order completion, you receive email notifications, showcasing IGGM's commitment to excellent pre-sales and after-sales support.

With the support of our customer service team, the shipping department expedites order processing. Confirming the accuracy of crucial information, they swiftly deliver the game products you require. In case of delays due to slow network speeds or unforeseen circumstances, the shipping department collaborates with customer service to promptly notify you of any issues and provide optimal solutions.

IGGM maintains open and transparent ratings on Trustpilot, accompanied by customer reviews. Prospective buyers can refer to these reviews for insights before making a purchase. Any dissatisfaction is promptly addressed by contacting us, and we actively seek corrections and improvements based on feedback. We embrace criticism and continuously strive to enhance our services.

Q: How does IGGM actively engage with the gaming community?

A: When popular games release updates, we swiftly collect relevant information and summarize it. This ensures players can grasp the content of the update in a timely and intuitive manner. Our official website's "New" section reflects this commitment, featuring actively updated guides and articles. This keeps players informed about the latest game updates and highlights key aspects.

To show appreciation to our new and loyal customers, we organize attractive promotions. Event-specific coupons/codes are provided, and we conduct lotteries on our social media platforms such as Twitter & Facebook. Lucky winners receive designated game products for free. To stay informed about these activities, players can follow IGGM's official website and social media channels.

As we concluded our conversation with IGGM, it was clear that IGGM puts in a lot of effort to provide the best possible service to its customers. This is undoubtedly a key factor in IGGM's success in the competitive game trading market. A big thank you to the webmasters of IGGM for sharing so much with us. Much appreciated! Moving forward, I hope to see IGGM continue to grow and flourish, becoming a prominent leader in the industry and earning recognition from an even broader user base.

The following is some relevant information about IGGM:

  • Offical Website:
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
    IGGM Homepage

All The Content Arriving In WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5 - Seeds Of Renewal Overview

The Dragonflight story continues in patch 10.2.5, Seeds of Renewal, which goes live on January 16th, and we've got so much to look forward to.

We'll be able to dragonride in all the zones, earn new rewards in the Outland Cup, we'll explore the story of the Dragon Isles after the defeat of Fyrakk, and the Gilneans are finally preparing to retake their lost kingdom.

There are new features, like Follower Dungeons to open up group content to everyone, and the Azerothian Archives brings us new content with an archaeology flare. Then, there are also new customizations to look forward to, more holiday updates, and so much more.

Hurry up and take your WoW Dragonflight Gold to start a new journey in Seeds of Renewal!

All The Content Arriving In WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5 - Seeds Of Renewal Overview

Dragonriding Updates

Dragonriding is finally opening up to the rest of the world, so you'll be able to take wing and zoom through any zone where you could previously fly.

In Patch 10.2.5, if a regular flying mount is permitted in a specific area or zone, you will also have the ability to utilize a dragonriding mount in that zone. This means that, from here on out, you will get to choose which flying mode you want to use to get around in all of those old zones.

The Dracthyr Soar capability will undergo adjustments to seamlessly integrate into this expansive dragonriding environment. The cooldown has been reduced to just 10 seconds. You can use all of the same dragonriding abilities and you can use and generate Vigor, so Dracthyr can choose between using a dragonriding mount or just relying on their own wings going forward.

Additional opportunities to acquire Riders of Azeroth Badges will be available during the Outland Cup event. Zoom through Shattrath, soar over the Netherstorm, and see Outland from a new perspective. Each race completed will earn you more Badges that you can trade in for a new color variation of the Drake Rider's transmog set, as well as 2 new tabards.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Dragonriding Updates

New Story Quests

With the Primalist threat quelled for now, and Amirdrassil safely blossoming into Azeroth, the night elves can finally start building a new home for themselves.

When Amirdrassil bloomed at the conclusion of the raid in 10.2, it brought itself and the land about its roots from the Emerald Dream into Azeroth, and beneath the boughs of the new World Tree, the night elf city of Bel'ameth is starting to take shape.

Bel'ameth is connected to other important night elf areas throughout the world, including Darkshore and Feralas. Despite being a night elf city, the Horde is encouraged to explore, and there's a convenient portal from Hyjal for their use.

Also Read: WOW Dragonflight: 5 Simple Methods To Make A WoW Token Monthly - Gold Farming Guide

But when Amirdrassil took root, heroes of the Horde and Alliance heard a mysterious voice, ancient, beautiful and almost song-like, calling out to them. At the same time, Khadgar has received reports of dark whispers. Something is moving in the shadows. An ancient enemy stirs, incited by some harbinger.

But what are they planning, and where will they strike first? New story quests will unfold in the old world as the Greymane family endeavors to reclaim their lost kingdom, with the Forsaken offering assistance upon the request of Calia Menethil. You can earn yourself a new mount and some cool transmog rewards by helping the Gilneans reclaim their land from the domination of the Scarlet Crusade.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 New Story Quests

Follower Dungeons

A new feature that a lot of folks are already very excited about is Follower Dungeons.

You'll be able to queue for all 8 Dragonflight dungeons on Normal difficulty with between one and 4 players, and the game will fill in your group composition gaps with NPCs.

So, if you don't have a tank in your group, you can still queue up, and you will have an NPC tank to take all of those heavy hits. You can even queue up all by yourself and have a full group of NPCs to explore the dungeon with. You have the option to personally guide the NPCs or designate them to take the lead, particularly if you are uncertain about the direction.

Follower Dungeons are going to be a great way to learn how group content works. Embarking on dungeons for the first time can be daunting, but Follower Dungeons provide an opportunity to ease into this aspect of the game. It allows you to familiarize yourself with mechanics, encounter bosses, navigate dungeon layouts, and obtain valuable dungeon loot.

They're also going to be great for experimenting with new roles, classes or specs. You can explore tanking or venture into healing without the constraints of time or performance expectations. I am definitely going to take advantage of that to try and get back into healing and test out any class changes in the future.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Follower Dungeons

Azerothian Archives

We'll also have new content to explore in the Azerothian Archives.

Engage with distinctive characters, immerse yourself in new narratives, and delve into the iconography of zones and local cultures through archaeology-themed activities.

There are smaller sites that you can work through by yourself, uncovering lost fragments to piece together the past. Then, there are also large sites, which are group activities similar to public events. Work through multi-stage scenarios together to properly excavate the area, fend off enemies, and see what lies beneath the soil.

There are also plenty of rewards to collect, including new mounts, battle pets, and transmog.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Azerothian Archives

New Customizations

Patch 10.2.5 continues the trend of adding in new customization options for a couple of races.

Trolls will get 5 new vibrant hair colors to play around with, and the draenei will have a darker skin option, which fits in with their Man'arian locks from the previous patches.

Warlock demon customization options will also be expanded to include new color variations for your demonic tyrants, as well as new color and model options for your Darkglare summons, so you can pick and choose exactly how you want your floating eyeball to look.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 New Customizations

Holiday Updates

We also have more holiday updates to look forward to in the new patch.

Love is in the Air will have new quests to work through and all-new rewards to collect, so we're going to have even more ways to get into the WoW holiday spirit in 2024.

So there's something for everyone to get excited for in the new patch, and it's going to be an interesting adventure as we start exploring what's next for the World of Warcraft.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Love is in the Air

How To Conquer Abattoir Of Zir In Diablo 4 Season 2?

Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir Dungeon is an end game pinnacle content that players can only access once they've beaten all of the Season Journey and is incredibly hard.

The starting difficulty for the Abattoir of Zir is 20% harder than the highest tier of Nightmare Dungeons. So, this content is extremely challenging.

So, in this guide, we're going to be talking about some of the best tips and tricks to conquer the Abattoir of Zir in Diablo 4 Season 2. Of course, if you have enough Diablo 4 Gold, you'd better equip your character well, so that it will be easier for you to challenge Abattoir of Zir!

How To Conquer Abattoir Of Zir In Diablo 4 Season 2?

How To Start Abattoir Of Zir?

If you open up your season tab and then go to your season journey in order to start this content, all of the seasonal chapters will need to have check marks.

You need to complete the last tier. You don't need to complete every single challenge. You just need to complete enough that you get the chapter rewards. Once you do that, you will be rewarded with the Abattoir of Zir glyph known as the Tears of Blood.

In order to start using this, you're going to need to be leveling it up in the Abattoir of Zir. To access this content, you're going to want to come over to Ked Bardu. Ked Bardu is located in the Dry Steppes, and once you get here, you're going to want to come over to the glyph crafting Occultist.

When you come to the Occultist, you're going to look for the Bloodforged Sigils and craft a Tier 1. Now, there are 25 tiers of the Abattoir of Zir, each one increasing in difficulty and the amount of Sigil Powder that is required to craft it. You're going to earn them when you complete a Tier 1. You unlock the ability to do a Tier 2 and so on and so forth.

And if you're looking for Sigil Powder, you get it by breaking down sigils. So, if you have a sigil from a nightmare 100 dungeon or a nightmare 20 dungeon, anytime that you break them down, you'll earn yourself sigil powder.

If you successfully complete Abattoir of Zir, you will earn Sigil Powder. So, as long as you're not failing these, you can keep running them. But once you start failing, you can run out of Sigil Powder.

Diablo 4 Sigil Powder

Tips & Tricks - Some Basics

The next thing to note before you jump into your first Abattoir Of Zir is your defenses.

Now, Abattoir of Zir is very different from a nightmare 100 dungeon or nightmare dungeons in general because you only have one life. That means if you die at any point, you're kicked out of the run. If you're playing with teammates or if any of your teammates die at any point, all of you are kicked out of the run. And it costs a ton of Sigil Powder to make another sigil. So, going in prepared is very important.

What do you need to be prepared? The very first thing is your resistances. You're going to want all of your resistances to 70% or as close to 70% as possible.

The next thing that you're going to want to look for is armor. Now, the armor cap of Abattoir of Zir is around 14,000 armor for fighting the hardest enemies. When you're walking into it, you're going to want around 13.3k armor. The reason you're going to want that much armor is because armor affects your physical damage negation, meaning that the more armor that you have, the more damage reduction that you take from enemies. This caps out at 85%, but it changes for the level of enemies.

For example, I have more than enough armor to fight enemies that are my level at 10,000 armor because I'm getting max physical damage negation, which is 85%. However, if I start fighting enemies that are 156 levels or level 156, then I'm going to need more armor because their damage is going to go up as their level is going up.

Also Read: Diablo 4: Best Druid Paragon Board With Tears Of Blood - Abattoir Of Zir Unique Glyph

So, walking into Abattoir of Zir, it’s really important to note that you want really high resistances. You’re shooting for around, I would say, 10,000 base armor. Then, you can use an Aspect of Disobedience to increase your armor even more so that you’re taking the least amount of damage possible via your armor.

If you’re low on your resistances or damage for the Abattoir of Zir, you can come over to the Elixir crafter and craft some Elixir to increase your defenses, increase your resistances, increase your damage.

You can also craft Incenses, which can give you more dodge chance, more thorns, more max life and so on. You can have both a potion and an incense active at the same time to increase your rate of success in Abattoir of Zir.

There are also Helltides every hour, and opening the Helltide chest can give you potions that can increase your armor, for example. This is another thing to stack up on before you go into the Abattoir of Zir.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Abattoir Of Zir

Abattoir Of Zir Actual Run

Now that we’ve gone over some of the basics, let’s walk through an Abattoir of Zir actual run.

One of the big things that you’re going to notice about Abattoir of Zir is enemies are going to be beefy. In fact, enemies get 20% more HP per level, so their health scales exponentially. The higher you go, the more HP that they get. And if you’re playing with team members, they get even more HP.

You’ll also note that there is a time limit. You have 10 minutes to clear a run, and once you get into the later tiers, that can become a genuine issue. Right now, the big struggle with Abattoir of Zir is having enough survivability so that you don’t die in the run, but also having enough damage that you can complete the run in under 10 minutes. And this is kind of a bit of a struggle.

This struggle becomes a little easier with the new Tears of the Blood glyph. Once you complete a run, you’re going to get experience that you can socket into your Tears of Blood glyph.

Now, for leveling up this glyph, the experience required is massive and only realistically achievable in the Abattoir of Zir. The reason for this is the Tears of Blood glyph goes up to level 200, whereas all other glyphs in the game only go up to level 21. And normal nightmare dungeons just don’t reward enough experience to make meaningful level gains on this glyph.

As of the hotfix that happened on December 8th, they’ve massively buffed the amount of experience that you get from completing Abattoir of Zir runs so that you can actually earn meaningful progression on this thing. Prior to that hotfix, it was basically theoretically impossible to level up this thing to level 200 given the timeframe of the season. So now experience gains are a bit better, but it’s still going to be a lot of grinding to really level this thing up.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Tears of the Blood glyph

In terms of socketing this glyph, it’s really important to socket it in somewhere that’s going to give you more survivability for the Abattoir of Zir and hopefully more damage. There’s a lot of places in a lot of Paragon Boards that you could socket in multiple characters.

For example, the reason I’ve socketed in the Heightened Malice board for the Druid is mainly because it’s going to boost up my damage reduction from poison enemies. Damage reduction is super important in the higher tiers, and it’s also going to give me increased damage to poisoned enemies.

The reason for this is that the Tears of Blood glyph not only gives me the percent increased in damage, but it also gives me a boost to all of my rare nodes that are in radius. Rare nodes are these yellow nodes. And putting it somewhere smart that to give you more survivability is really important.

Once you complete your first two runs of Abattoir of Zir, you’ll have enough experience to level up your Tears of Blood glyph to level 1. Now, socketing this thing can be very important and critical to your success. You’re going to want to socket in it in a glyph socket that has a ton of core stats nearby as well as beneficial rare notes.

The Tears of the Blood glyph is going to give you for every 5 core stats purchased within range. You're going to get 2% increased multiplicative damage and a 50% bonus to all rare nodes within range. Bonus increases by 10% every 10 levels.

That is going to do it for our guide on the Abattoir of Zir. This is hard challenging pinnacle end game content that will push your build to the test. And if you've already gotten a character to max level and done all the content in Diablo 4 and want to try something even harder and push your build to the limit, Abattoir of Zir is the place to do it.

However, this content is brutally crushing. The enemies are incredibly strong and even on the best builds, you will most likely die. So, be careful.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update Comes Packed With 5 Insane New Features!

The newest Genshin Impact update contains a lot of new and insane content and these are the top 5 new features coming with the 4.2 version.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update Comes Packed With 5 Insane New Features!

1st Feature: New Zones

So, with this new update, comes many zones.

There’s a lot of peculiar landscapes we saw during the livestream. And from what I understand, these zones will be on the east side of Fontaine and you’ll get to visit places like this foggy forest with a strange tree.

One of the main things about this zone in particular is that it has these contaminated bacterial zones that you’ll find all over the place and you’ll need to cleanse them by utilizing a new aberrant ability, which are those temporary skills you obtain while underwater. But we’ll learn all about this more from a new world quest that will explain what’s the deal with those contaminations.

Still, we’re not done yet. There’s another cool place called the Fathomless Tower that we’ll get to explore and it will be a critical point in the storyline that explains some of the things about the Primordial Sea, so I am personally interested to learn more about it. And besides, who doesn’t love a good old mysterious tower exploration?

And when it comes to questing, it’s been officially confirmed that Act V of the Hydro Archon quest will be included with the 4.2 update and on top of this, Furina’s personal story quest is also going to be available.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update New Zones

2nd Feature: New Events

As always, we’re getting a bunch of new events.

Now the main one is going to be focused around this cute mechanical penguin that you’ll need to fix and improve together with Freminet.

The event is made up of 3 stages:

In the first one, you’ll need to play a small mini-game where you guide the penguin to its objective on this grid, while in the 2nd stage will require you to go underwater and look for parts to use on the Penguin.

Finally, the third stage will be a combat mini-event, and here you actually get to fight alongside your mechanical penguin friend. He will apply different effects for the battle and to me. This looks like the coolest part of this main event.

Now, if you put in the effort and finish this quest, then the biggest reward is going to be a free copy of Freminet, which is pretty cool. But you know what’s even cooler?

Bongohead is making a return. That’s right, the pokemon-esque Fungi event is making a return, and it seems like the developers made optimizations for this event, so I am interested to try it out.

Another event called Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log or, as I like to call it, just exchange stuff with your friends event. So basically, submit photos, use patterns or exchange them with your friends and obtain this new unique gadget called Zoom Lens that allows to zoom in before taking a photo.

Finally, Misty Dungeon is also making a return. This combat event is known for being a pretty cool place to test various characters you don’t have since you can use their trial versions.

And as always, Leyline overflow event will also be available sometime during the new update.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update New Events

3rd Feature: New Characters

So, with the 4.2 update, we’re finally going to be able to pull for the legendary archon Furina, who is a 5-star Hydro Sword user. If you want to quickly experience this 5-star character in the new version, buying Genshin Impact Accounts directly will be a good choice!

And from what it looks like, she can switch between Ousia or Pneuma by using her charged attacks. And this will matter because her skill will summon Hydro companions to the battlefield and they will differ depending if she was aligned with Pneuma or Ousia.

I am a huge sucker when it comes to cute little critters, but Furina goes over the top by summoning more than 1 of them!

However, I think the biggest thing about her is her burst. To put it simply, it will deal some Hydro DMG and then put the whole team into this special state and whenever someone loses or gains HP, their damage and healing will be boosted.

It’s clear that Furina will be a unique hybrid that boosts the team but also applies Hydro with her skill, which will be an important factor to consider.

But on a lighter side, one of Furina’s passives decreases the CD of aberrant abilities you use underwater and get this. When one of her summons from the skill are on the field, she can walk on water. Talk about powercreeping Kokomi.

Moving over, Charlotte, a 4-star Cryo Catalyst, will also be available to summon for. I think it’s funny that Hoyoverse decided to release 2 Cryo Catalysts back-to-back, which was one of the element & weapon combos that we’ve never had prior to 4.1.

But I think it’s a good that they have done this because playing a Cryo Catalyst is pretty funny with all things considered. So, it really shouldn’t be locked behind a 5-star.

Also Read: Genshin Impact 4.2: Details About Furina Buffs & Changes

But, what does Charlotte do? Her skill shares some similarities to Nahida’s skill, so she can tap it and deal some damage or hold it down and take a snapshot with her camera of several enemies.

Now, I am not sure what kind of potential this skill has, but you gotta admire her Normal and Charged attacks. They look so satisfying. It makes wanna build her as a damage dealer no matter how unfit this may be.

And there is a reason why I mention this. Her burst will create this field and deal damage to enemies inside. But at the same time, it will also heal your characters. So, I think this burst kinda gives away the fact that Charlotte is going to be a healer. But no matter what, I will still try to build her as a damage dealer because those Normal Attacks look too good.

And remember those Zoom Lens I’ve mentioned. Charlotte has a unique ability that allows her skill to take pictures mid combat when using this gadget. So, it’s interesting to see that while you can use this gadget with any character, she has a special use case for it.

But, let’s quickly talk about the banners now. In the first phase, Furina as well as Baizhu will have their own featured banners. But what’s interesting is that it will be possible to pull for Charlotte during this phase as well. So, both new characters are available during the first phase while in the second phase, Ayato and Cyno will be the featured characters.

So, if you have saved up a lot of Primogems and your plan is to pull for Furina, chances are you might also obtain Charlotte, so two Steambirds with one stone.

Obviously, in the first phase, you’ll also be able to pull for Furina’s signature weapon, so keep that in mind.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update New Characters

4th Feature: New Enemies

This time around, the new weekly boss is going to be a massive whale. And I know what you’re thinking – how fast a whale player will beat this whale, right?

Anyway, this is actually a pretty interesting fight because during the first phase, this big beefy boy will unleash tons of AoE attacks. So, you’ll need to run around like crazy and dodge them.

But what’s interesting is that you’ll notice he has this thingy below his health bar. From what I understand, there will be special ways to build it up because you’ll need to defeat the Whale this way.

However, what’s really cool about this fight is that the whale will literally suck you into his belly and then a new foe, a really cool foe shows up and you need to duel him to death. So, this fight seems to be pretty complex but interesting and hopefully it won’t get tiresome after repeating it over and over for materials.

And speaking of repetition, a new world boss called Hydro Tulpa will be waiting for you, so you can slaughter him and take its materials to level up your characters.

He looks pretty cool. I like his design, but like with every other world boss, they’re just there to get demolished within a minute.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Update New Enemies

5th Quality Of Life

When it comes to Quality of Life changes with 4.2 update, there’s actually quite plenty of them.

First of all, the weekly boss fights for new players had to be a bane to deal with, especially when you pull that sweet new character. And you realize that you can’t level their talents if you haven’t unlocked a specific region and completed its Archon quest.

This changes with 4.2 update and now, you can just quick challenge any of the weekly bosses even if you haven’t unlocked their fights through the story.

The next one on the list is a feature that I wanted to see for a long time and that’s giving more control over your quests. Up until now, if you used one of those keys to unlock a hangout or a story quest with a character, often you would end up causing some conflicts for other quests, like when it says a character is busy in another quest. So annoying.

But, now you can choose to just unlock a quest and then later you can decide to accept it, which means fewer characters being busy when you need to complete other quests. You will even get to see a window with pre-requisite conditions for a quest, so you’ll know what to expect.

Now, when it comes to the next quality of life feature, it’s pretty small but still matters and it will increase the amount of pins you can have on your map from 150 to 200. There will also be a batch delete function for pins, so you don’t have to go around and keep selecting and deleting one pin at a time.

But then, there’s probably the most important change, at least for me, and that’s Genius Invokation TCG getting sped up. Basically, there will be an option to enable where every single animation gets accelerated. And from the previews I saw, it actually looks like the game doesn’t feel sluggish anymore and I’ll be real.

Part of the reason why I didn’t really get into this game mode was literally because of how slow it felt and I kid you not. This might actually convince me to go and play this mode again, because I still haven’t unlocked everything.

And what’s even better, you’ll also be able to share decks with each other, thanks to the Sharing Code feature. So, now, I can just copy top meta decks and enjoy my life as a slacker.

Finally, Stellar Reunion has been optimized. This event for players who return after taking a break from the game will offer more relevant rewards, and you can even get story keys if you haven’t collected them.

Major Changes Coming To Diablo 4 Season 2 - In Depth Community Discussion

I wanted to have an open discussion with the Diablo IV community to see what players are thinking about for the new content. We’re seeing a lot of changes coming to Diablo 4 Season 2, and when there’s a massive amount of changes it can be difficult to navigate what the new best practices are.

Whether the balance and content updates are good or bad, only time is going to tell. But one thing I know is, right when Season 2 launches and I create a new seasonal character, I just have no idea what content I’m going to tackle first.

Major Changes Coming To Diablo 4 Season 2 - In Depth Community Discussion

Gold Farming Dilemma

The first topic I want to talk about is how exactly are we going to farm Diablo 4 Gold in Season 2?

We know from the live stream that “whispers are going to have a substantially increased amount of gold”. But beyond this, I mean Greed Shrines are probably still going to be a meme. But this still leaves me thinking, did they nerf gold farming?

Other than picking up ambient gold dropped from enemies, normally we would just farm gold from picking up trash rare Diablo 4 Items and sell them at a vendor, hence the saying Salvage Oranges and Sell Yellows. But with the new update, these junk yellows are now just going to drop as crafting materials instead.

So, I’m not really sure what the new best method is going to be. The best ways to farm gold might just be climbing high tier Nightmare Dungeons. Hopefully from the update, whispers are in a much more competitive position in endgame that people actually have a reason to do them besides just leveling 1 to 50.

And it’s also important to mention it was revealed in the live stream that we have a new content type downstream from whispers in the form of an endgame boss, but the relevance of this content will largely depend on its loot table for unique items.

I think that Nightmare Dungeons still have a competitive advantage anyway, considering they’re still the only way to level glyphs for the Paragon Board.

It was also mentioned during the live stream that glyph leveling got buffed, meaning they’ll give more glyph experience. So, maybe this will give us more time away from nightmare dungeons to pursue new content without worrying about glyph leveling as much.

Vampiric Powers & Theory Crafting

It’ll be interesting to see what we come up with as a community moving forward for the best practices in farming gold in endgame. So, let’s talk about Vampiric Powers.

We’re looking at a total of 21 new Vampiric Powers, 14 of which require 1 to 3 pacts, and the remainder requiring 6 pacts. We know the sanguine circle has 5 total slots, armor I believe can have a total of 5 pacts at once. So, technically, we should be able to equip 5 of the strongest vampiric abilities, right?

The question I think is how hard are pacts going to be to line up properly. It would be miserable if you got a god roll armor drop in terms of affixes, just to realize you’re missing all the pacts you need to finish your build.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Vampiric Powers

They said in the live stream that there will be a way to inject or remove pacts from armor. I just hope there are no restrictions that only allow us to do this a limited number of times. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want this system to be easy, but I also don’t want it to be impossible.

It’s going to be interesting to see how these affect our build options and to also see if there’s any Vampiric Powers that are basically going to be so overpowered that it’d be dumb not to pick it.

Here’s a full list of the Vampiric Powers coming to Diablo 4 in Season 2:

  • Anticipation (1 Divinity)
  • Coven’s Fangs (2 Divinity)
  • Domination (1 Ferocity)
  • Feed the Coven (1 Eternity)
  • Hectic (3 Divinity)
  • Hemomancy (3 Eternity)
  • Infection (1 Ferocity)
  • Jagged Spikes (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity)
  • Prey on the Weak (2 Ferocity)
  • Rampart (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)
  • Ravenous (3 Ferocity)
  • Resilience (2 Eternity)
  • Sanguine Brace (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)
  • Terror (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)
  • Undying (1 Eternity)
  • Major Vampiric Powers (6 Pacts Required)
  • Accursed Touch (6 Divinity)
  • Bathe in Blood (3 Divinity, 3 Eternity)
  • Blood Boil (6 Eternity)
  • Call Familiar (3 Ferocity, 3 Divinity)
  • Flowing Veins (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)
  • Metamorphosis (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)
  • Moonrise (6 Ferocity)

From a quick observation, it’s obvious that some of the lower pact requirement ones are going to be weaker and probably switched out later.

Accursed Touch kind of reminds me of a marked for death type ability that spreads out like Rabies on Druid.

Bathe in Blood is the channeling Vampiric Power that we saw in the developer live stream. Personally, I don’t see this being used much. I mean incinerate Sorcerer isn’t really in a good spot and I can’t think of many channeled abilities off the top of my head.

Call Familiar, the Vampiric Power that spawns the bat seems like it might be another meme ability. But I mean, this could potentially be great on Death Blow Barbarian or on a Firewall Sorcerer.

Also Read: Changes In Season 2 QOL In The Latest Diablo 4 Developer Live Stream! - Multiplicative EXP & Uber Unique Farm

I could totally see a Pulverize Druid or Blood Lance Necro using the Vampiric Power called Blood Boil. It just seems like it’d synergize easier with existing builds that are centered around overpower.

Flowing Veins sounds like it’d be great on any damage over time classes like Poison Rogue or Blighted Necro. And maybe we’ll actually see a Poison Druid build for season 2.

Metamorphosis sounds like it’d be absolutely hilarious on a Sorcerer using Oculus. The unique item that makes you bounce around randomly from using Evade.

It also looks like we might see some interesting basic attack builds come out finally using the Vampiric Power Moonrise. I know that I’ve been reading comments on Reddit from people who want to use basic attacks in a build that’s more competitive. And this might be the way to do it.

Looking at some of the lower pact Vampiric Powers, it looks like Undying might be great on any class that spams abilities like Corpse Explosion.

Unless Vulnerable gets nerfed to death from the Damage Rework, Prey on the Weak might be an absolute must have on most classes. It says that any mob affected by Vampiric Curse is automatically made vulnerable, which provides a new route for any build that needs an extra source of damage.

I’m seeing some good attack speed opportunities like on Moonrise and Ravenous. Even if you don’t go a basic attack build, this could be an answer for any classes that are resource hungry.

Endgame Exploration

The other thing I wanna talk about is how do you guys plan on spending your time in endgame?

Personally, for me, I’m definitely going to rush endgame to check out the new bosses. I’m actually curious to see how difficult these new bosses are going to be. Are they more like dungeon bosses? Or are they challenging to fight and it’s going to take time to learn the fight?

I think if they’re like dungeon bosses, I’m going to be pretty disappointed, because right now dungeon bosses even with the added health, are just really meant for casual players. I think Duriel King of Maggots is most likely going to be like the Uber Lilith fight, which I’m kinda crossing my fingers. They have news on an Uber Lilith rework in the campfire chat on October 10th.

I’m hoping with the new endgame flow that I’ll find it worth it to switch between running Helltides, doing some Whispers, grinding some high tier Nightmare Dungeons, and after all of that actually getting some decent loot from The Ice Beast, the Galvanic Saint, Lord Zeer, and Varshan.

So, Item Power is going to more closely follow enemy level in Season 2.

Diablo 4 Endgame Exploration

Multiplicative Experience Points

I’ve been thinking, do I prioritize gear or prioritize experience points?

The way I’ll first tackle it is I’ll see how fast the new leveling experience is in Diablo 4. And if it’s fast enough, I might actually just continuously raise the tiers of the nightmare dungeons I’m doing. At least until I find some really good affixes on gloves, weapons, boots and amulets.

After that, I’ll probably consider the odds of finding anything better will be so slim that I might as well just level more efficiently instead.

By the way, if you didn’t catch it in the live stream, experience point bonuses in Diablo 4 are now going to be multiplicative, not additive. This is huge considering once you’re in World Tier 4, you’re getting 400% more experience points, which means your 15% bonus on top of the 400% bonus isn’t like a 6% increase in experience points anymore. You’ll get the full 15% of whatever the 400% value is after it’s calculated.

Overall, I’m really pleased with how all of these changes sound. I’m excited to see the live stream on October 10th with information on the balance changes to damage, gear and classes. We’ll ultimately have to be the judge on whether or not it’s executed properly on October 17th.

Everything You Need To Know Before You Jump Into POE 3.22 Trial Of The Ancestors League!

Here, I want to go over everything we currently know about the mechanic and rewards of Path of Exile 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors League, as well as the implications this league mechanic will have on, what build you should play, the league’s economy, and Atlas strategies.

That way, you can jump into the league with everything you need to hit the ground running!

Everything You Need To Know Before You Jump Into POE 3.22 Trial Of The Ancestors League!

Matches & Tournaments

First up, let’s go over everything we know about the league mechanic.

Trial of the Ancestors, which I’ll be referring to as “Trials” from now on, is an autobattler-inspired league mechanic. You’ll be recruiting and upgrading Warriors over the course of a tournament, strategically placing your team at the start of each match to counter the enemy team.

Each position you can play a Warrior has an associated role, which determines how that Warrior behaves in battle. Some will have them on the offense, others on the defense, as well as other specialized roles.

Unlike a traditional autobattler, you will fight alongside your team, much like how Blight is a tower defense game where you fight alongside your towers.

Path of Exile 3.22 Matches & Tournaments

Each Warrior, including the player, has a totem that they revive at a short time after being defeated. If a totem is destroyed, that Warrior instantly dies, and will no longer respawn for the duration of the match. The goal of each match is to destroy all of the enemy team’s totems before your totems are destroyed.

Each match represents a single game in a larger tournament. These tournaments are double elimination. You can lose once without getting knocked out. But after two losses, you have to start over in a new tournament.

Before each match, you’ll get to view each team and what the reward for beating that team is. You then pick your opponent, and pay the entry fee – one Silver Coin, per match.

In addition to the rewards you get from winning each match, you get additional rewards for successfully winning the entire tournament.

Many of the best rewards seem to be exclusively available from tournament wins, so you definitely want to make sure you’re winning the whole thing!

Every time you win a tournament, your ranking will increase. The better your ranking, the higher the difficulty and the better the rewards of future tournaments.

It’s likely that consistently winning and being able to do extremely high-ranking tournaments will be the most profitable way to farm Trials.

Favour & Teambuilding

In between matches, you will get to spend tribe-specific Favour that you receive from winning matches, to recruit new Warriors for your team, and to purchase Equipment and Field Items.

There are a total of 10 different tribes, and each has a different selection of Warriors and Equipment for sale. Mixing and matching will probably be key to creating a strong team.

Field Items can be placed on the battlefield the same way a Warrior can, and serve as single use consumables that you can activate by clicking on them, to get a beneficial effect when you need it most in a match.

Path of Exile 3.22 Equipment

Equipment is given to your Warriors, to enhance their abilities. Based on the Equipment GGG has previewed, these POE Items are not simple stat boosts, but are often transformative in nature. For instance, the equipment Dying Roar makes your Warrior explode on death.

Figuring out what Equipment to buy, and what Warrior and Role to use that equipment on will probably be key to victory. For instance, the explosion on death equipment probably combines well with a tanky character, perhaps on a defensive role where they will be fighting enemy Warriors

All of these progression mechanics - Warriors, Field Items and Equipment, are tournament-specific progression only. None of them carry over. You start every new tournament from scratch.

Skill Point Tattoos

So, what are the rewards from doing all this, anyway?

Well, the Trial of the Ancestors League has some pretty spicy new rewards. The first of which are Tattoos.

Tattoos are a new consumable item, which can replace attribute passives on your Skill Tree.

So, for instance, you can overwrite a +10 strength travel node with one that gives 8% Fire Resistance, or another that gives 1% Mana Reservation Efficiency.

These tattoos are permanently applied to the skill point, unless you use an Orb of Scouring or overwrite them with another tattoo. These tattoos offer an incredible amount of power to min-max your character build to levels never seen before!

Every single build needs to take some number of travel nodes. In the past, there really hasn’t been anything you can do about that. But now, you’ll be able to turn all of those travel nodes into far more useful stats. I expect some of these tattoos to be very pricey.

Also Read: 10 Easy Ways To Make Currency On The First Few Days Of POE 3.22 Trial Of The Ancestors League


Another new type of consumable item available from the Trial of the Ancestors League is Omens.

Omens are automatically triggered and consumed from your inventory upon meeting some trigger condition. For example, one of the Omens previewed creates a portal on death, and another gives you Soul Eater upon leveling up.

While some of these seem marginally useful for mapping, the real money here is in the rare ones, such as the Omen of Fortune, which guarantees your next orb of chance will upgrade an item to a unique.

In order to prevent players from feeling like they need to fill their inventory with Omens, there’s a restriction of only one Omen being able to trigger per zone.

Hinekora’s Lock

The final reward available is a powerful new endgame crafting currency, Hinekora’s Lock.

Hinekora’s Lock has a very unusual effect. It allows you to “foresee” the result of the next currency item used on it.

Path of Exile 3.22 Hinekora's Lock

It’s unclear exactly what this means, and people have different interpretations. Some claim that you have to actually use the currency item, like an Eternal Orb, whereas others believe you’ll be able to see what the outcome would be without actually using it.

Regardless of how it ends up working, one thing is clear: this is an incredibly powerful crafting option that rivals the power of the Eternal Orb. And the Eternal Orb was removed from Path of Exile for being simply too powerful at crafting.

Hinekora’s Lock will end up having a very similar effect. With enough Hinekora’s Locks, you will be able to deterministically craft, getting the exact outcome you want at every step. If it foresees an outcome you don’t like, you simply change the item’s quality, use another Hinekora’s Lock, and check again.

I expect that all of the most powerful items created in the Trial of the Ancestors League will rely heavily upon the use of Hinekora’s Lock. Regardless of how rare or common it ends up being, this will be a chase reward worth many Divine Orbs.

Build Considerations

So, now that you know everything there is to know, the question remains: what should you do to best prepare for the Trial of the Ancestors League?

Well, as far as builds go, it’s likely that strong, single target ranged DPS builds will be king in Trials tournaments. Being able to quickly burst down Warriors and Totems will allow you to simply delete the enemy team, without having to overly rely on the rest of your team.

In addition, POE 3.22 marks the return of the Sanctum league mechanic, which is a league mechanic, and also incentivizes strong single-target DPS builds.

Another consideration is that you may want to pass on playing a stat-stacker. Stat stacking builds won’t be able to take advantage of tattoos in the ways other builds will, and might end up falling short in terms of character power this league. Or at the very least, you’ll miss out on the fun of playing with the new character progression mechanics.

Atlas Considerations

As far as your Atlas and Farming strategies go, it’s worth noting that the new Maven keystone also incentivizes single-target DPS. Boss killers may find that they thrive in this league.

Other than that, something I want to highlight is the way that you interact with the league mechanic. You spend Silver Coins to play matches, but these Silver Coins are just regular POE drops.

Path of Exile 3.22 Atlas Considerations

As far as we know, they aren’t limited to one per zone or come from special league chests, or anything like that. It’s worth emphasizing just how unusual this is.

GGG hasn’t done a league mechanic like this in years. The last time they had a league mechanic that you started through regular drops off of enemies was Legacy league in 2017, over 6 years ago.

The reason why they normally don’t do this and what makes this so interesting is that it means the amount of Silver Coins you find will scale with player and area Item Quantity, as well as pack size. This means that you have the ability to specialize in farming Silver Coins by magic finding. And some players will be able to farm Silver Coins at absolutely obscene rates.

My understanding is that the current go-to strategy for magic finding is to use the strongbox sextant with the Wandering Path.

It’s worth noting that even though Strongboxes aren’t on the map device this league, the new “Seventh Gate” keystone will allow you to add strongboxes to the map device. And if you go for this niche strategy, you may be able to farm a fortune in Silver Coins, even if you don’t engage with the league mechanic directly.

Other than that, my last observation is that because Hinekora’s Lock only works with crafting POE Currency, other crafting methods that aren’t currency may be far less valuable than usual this league, as players look to craft endgame items via means they can use deterministically.

These would be things, such as Aisling T4 in Betrayal, Harvest, and possibly even fossils.

Why You Need More Gold Before WOTLK Classic Phase 4? - Gold Farming Guide

I’ve spent most of the last week researching the best new items coming in WOTLK Classic Phase 4. And let me tell you something. They aren’t going to come cheap.

What I found confirmed one thing: you’ll need more WOTLK Classic Gold for Phase 4 than you needed for all the other phases combined. There are just so many big-ticket items you won’t want to miss out on, like the Deathbringers’ Will trinket, the new 264 item level BOEs, and Invincible, which is the most impressive mount in the game.

If you’re curious on exactly how much gold, you’ll need to save up you should check out my top 10 most expensive ICC items guide first. No matter what items you plan to go for, there’s no doubt the need for gold making in Phase 3 is really ramped up.

I’ve personally settled on farming 150,000 gold to get everything I need from Quel’Delar to full BOEs on every character and maybe even work on a Shadowmourne down the road.

So, here’s exactly what I’m doing to save up that gold in the next 45 days.

Why You Need More Gold Before WOTLK Classic Phase 4? - Gold Farming Guide

Making Passive Gold With Dailies

The first thing I’m doing every day is making sure not to miss out on any passive daily gold.

I do have Jewelcrafting on three characters, which means I get over 320 gold per day in just a few seconds turning in the daily. I’ve managed to pre-farm the Jewelcrafting daily, which you can do by making the items as you collect them. This is also the time where I take advantage of Alchemy transmute on my Death Knight, where you could easily fit in your Titansteel transmutes as well.

I also still do a handful of dailies for 200 more gold on my Druid per day. That’s mainly because the single best perk of dual specing Boomkin is just how quickly I can destroy an entire island of Kvaldir.

Of course, you can’t forget the Daily Heroics. I have been enchanting on my Paladin, so it feels fantastic vacuuming up all the epics.

Plus, I definitely want to keep stockpiling Emblems for Epic Gems in Phase 4.

Open World Goldfarming

The next key thing I’m doing to save up over 150,000 gold is Open World Goldfarming. There are three different fantastic spots in Phase 3 right now, all with different benefits and some small drawbacks.

1. Frostfloe Deep

My first favorite spot that I keep coming back to is the Frostfloe Deep cave in Northern, Storm Peaks. The Wailing Winds mobs here drop an insanely high amount of Crystallized Fire. That sells for three gold each on Faerlina and I know the prices are even higher on some servers.

The trick here is to bring a friend to farm the upper area while you farm the lower section. And that’s because this is a true hyperspawn where the enemies instantly respawn when they’re killed.

With a good farming class, you can easily push 700 GPA. There’s also a side benefit, which is that the Crystallized Fire can be sold instantly. That means you can immediately turn around and invest that gold or do flips with it.

WOTLK Classic Crystallized Fire

2. Wetlands Gnolls

My second favorite spot is the Wool Cloth farming in the Wetlands.

This is a consistent 800 gold per hour farm because you get instant farming mobs that drop Wool Cloth at a really high rate. On my server, the wool is always worth at least 70 silver and it sells instantly. So, this just prints money.

But I do have a bunch of new optimizations to make it better.

The first big optimization is to bring Scrapbots, Jeeves, and the MOLL-E mailbox. Because this method generates so many inventory problems.

Then, I like to use Speedy AutoLoot to grab all the wool really fast. Whenever my inventory is full, I can use TradeSkillMaster to sell the trash and BOEs to a Scrapbot. I try to maximize Scrapbot usage by selling multiple times with one Scrapbot. Then, whenever my character has a lot of wool, I’ll just mail it to my Alt using the MOLL-E mailbox.

One of the big tricks I realized is that the Linen Cloth is basically worthless. So, I started destroying it. Also, having a second Alt logged out at the same location, able to drop another mailbox and more Scrapoots is a huge well.

3. Converted Heroes

The other farming spot I’ve started to really enjoy recently is the Icecrown, Converted Heroes.

These are a very comfortable 800 gold per hour. I always did this farm wrong in the past by sticking to the wall and I didn’t realize there were way more spawns throughout the entire area. This is definitely one of those farms way better on a class with AOE, like a Mage, and it’s even better with Tailoring. These mobs drop a ton of Frostweave Cloth and you get even more with the tailoring passive.

Also Read: WOTLK Classic: How To Prepare For Phase 4 Icecrown Citadel? - Investing & Goldmaking Guide

AFK Goldmaking Methods

I’ve really enjoyed doing AFK gold making methods, like Potion Crafting and making Leathers recently.

The numbers are deceiving because there’s still a lot of profit to be made on things, like Potions of Speed, Potions of Wild Magic and Mighty Frost Protection Potions. I would definitely recommend crafting everything in the process like the Pygmy Oils and also having Master of Potions.

I also like to do a lot of AFK Leatherworking, making things like Heavy Borean Leather and Heavy Knothide Leather. You can’t forget classics like Netherweave Cloth, either.

I just post a low price bait cloth and then anything under 15 silver is pure profit crafting heavy bandages. I’m not just relying on AFK gold making though since I’ve also recently begun mastering flipping.

Flipping is able to consistently generate me over 4,000 gold per day. I like to primarily do an undercut strategy with fast selling items. The main items I like to flip are things like rare and epic gems, leatherworking items, and Enchanting Vellums.

I’m using the Auctionator for these quick flips. And in order to get your Auctionator to look like mine, you’ll need to enable some settings in the options. The main settings you’ll need are the “Show Crafting Costs” and “Show Bag Items” in the Selling panel.
WOTLK Classic Berserking

The main thing is to check prices using Auctionator and then craft 3-10 of any given item based on profit. Some of my favorites are the gem flips like the Runed Cardinal Ruby flip as well as the Leatherworking leg armor flips like the Icescale Leg Armor. I also love Enchant Weapon like Berserking and Mighty Spellpower, too.

The key though is that the bigger the number of profitable recipes you craft each day, the more profit you’ll make. You can even do better than me if you have one of every profession, since tailoring an Inscription is also very profitable.

From the many hours of flipping the last month, the biggest tip I can give you is that the number one spot on any item will always get 99% of the sales. Don’t be afraid to run a cancel search and then repost since it’s so fast if you have a hotkey set up.

The other tip is that raid times are when most of the sales will happen, so don’t get into undercut wars at five in the morning. Either way, if you don’t want to be up until five in the morning making gold, you should definitely switch to more profitable professions.

How To Get The Most Of Your Play Time In The Elder Scrolls Online? - Daily Routine Guide

This guide will show you eight tasks in The Elder Scrolls Online that you can complete every day. This is what your daily routine in ESO should look like.

How To Get The Most Of Your Play Time In The Elder Scrolls Online? - Daily Routine Guide

1. Collect Your Daily Rewards

Every day that you log into The Elder Scrolls Online, you get a free reward. This can be anything from collectibles, potions and poisons, XP Scrolls, ESO Gold, and other forms of currency.

Claiming your login reward should be your very first action every day.

2. Upgrade Your Mount

You should upgrade your mount skills as early and as often as possible.

There is a stable master in every major town marked with the horse head icon. Talk to them to upgrade your mount’s Speed, Stamina, and Carry Capacity. You can only apply one point every day at the cost of 250 gold.

Note: Mount upgrades are not shared between your characters. So, if you have multiple, make sure to buy an upgrade daily on each of them.

3. Complete Daily Crafting Writs

Crafting Writs are special daily quests for the seven crafting disciplines that offer extra XP and gold for fairly low effort.

Any character at or above level 6 can do the Writs as long as they are certified for the specific crafting profession.

Talk to Millenith or Danel Telleno to complete the certification process. They can be found in all major cities. You can complete your Writs from the local writ board every day.

If you’re on PC, you can use add-ons to speed up the process. But for those on consoles, the best way to improve time spent is by setting your tables to the quest only option.

Your maxed out professions with full skill points allotted to the top passive in the tree have a chance to earn a Master Writ in addition to gold, XP, crafting materials, and Survey Reports that you can use for even more crafting materials.

This will take a few minutes. But the selling prices for materials and Master Writs are a great way to make gold fast.

Elder Scrolls Online Crafting Writs

4. Researching Crafting Traits

While you are completing your Writs, start researching traits. This is especially important for using Transmutation to change your Traits on your gear later or if you are just interested in crafting.

You should always have research active, at least with your dedicated crafter character.

Research takes real time to complete. The more Traits on an item that you have completed, the longer it takes to complete the next one.

Research can take only a few hours or up to a whole month, depending on how many you have left. So, the sooner you start, the better.

There are also skills in the crafting tree to improve research time and the number of items that you can research at one time. This will speed up the process of researching all Traits, considerably.

5. Complete Daily Endeavors

You can find available Endeavor quests in the Activity Finder under the Endeavors tab.

Endeavors include both weekly and daily quests, with a limit of three dailies per day and one weekly per week.

Endeavors reward with gold and the Seals of Endeavor currency, with which you can purchase Crown Crate items that are available with the active crates.

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6. Random Daily Dungeon

Completing the daily random dungeon for the first time per day will give you a huge chunk of XP, 10 Transmutes, and other items.

It is best to do this once per day every day to get the most out of the rewards. You can do this on Normal or Veteran to get the same rewards and can complete it every day on each character that you have if you are needing the Transmutes.

7. Random Daily Battleground

Just like the dungeon daily, completing the random Battleground daily will give you a huge chunk of XP, gold, more transmutes, and other items.

This is a PVP game mode. But you get the rewards whether you win or lose.

8. Daily Pledges

When you reach level 45, you can start accepting Pledges by reading the Undaunted Enclave Invitation that you receive in your level up rewards.

Pledges our special daily dungeon quests that ask you to complete specific dungeons. You can pick up the Pledges from the NPCs found in the Undaunted Enclave. The Undaunted Enclave is located in the capital city of every Alliance, way rested in Stormhaven, Mournhold, Deshaan and Elden Root in Grahtwood.

By completing Pledges, you’ll receive keys to open monster shoulder chests in addition to some Transmutes, gold, and XP. Make sure to save any Undaunted Keys until you hit the gear cap of a 160 CP.

Pledges can also help you to level the Undaunted Skill Line in which are some very useful passive skill that can be unlocked.

Elder Scrolls Online Daily Pledges

Benefits Of Doing These Tasks & Additional Dailies

These tasks can help you to level up faster, make gold faster, and increase your overall in-game efficiency.

Most of them will only take a few minutes, but will help you to progress and build your character.

These are just some of the dailies available. There are tons of other daily quests gathered throughout Tamriel, including the Mages Guild daily, the Fighters Guild daily, Zone dailies, Tales of Tribute dailies, Arena dailies, and Trial dailies that you can include in your daily routine. So, get out there and explore!
