These Consumables For Alchemy You Can't Miss During WOW Season Of Discovery Phase 3

Today, I'll cover how to obtain Alchemy consumables, whether it's from slaying mobs or purchasing from vendors. Accessing certain vendors can be difficult, and the recipe options may be limited. However, as for the world drops, we can get a lot of elixirs and potions. So, without wasting any more time, let's get started.

These Consumables For Alchemy You Can't Miss During WOW Season Of Discovery Phase 3

Consumables In Vendors

I'll start the list off by discussing all the vendor consumables for the Alchemy profession. First up, let's talk about the Elixir of Shadow Power. This essential Shadow Power consumable is a must-have for all Warlock and Shadow Priests. You can find it in the Undercity at the Alchemy corridor in the Apothecarium. Alternatively, it's also available at the Alchemy trainer in Stormwind.

Next on our list is the Elixir of Superior Defense, a handy potion that provides excellent defense. You can purchase it from the Alchemy trainer in Orgrimmar, and it's also stocked by the Alchemy trader in Ironforge.

Moving on, we have Frost Oil, a versatile item that can prove quite useful. You'll find it being sold in the Alterac Mountains on the Ramparts. It gained popularity back in phase one because of its availability alongside herbs.

Next, let's discuss the Greater Nature Protection Potion. While it's said to be sold by the Innkeeper in Southshore, none of the vendors seem to offer it. This might pose a challenge for those seeking this potion.

Then, we come to the Mageblood Potion and Major Troll's Blood Potion. These potions are tied to the reputation of the Zandalar Trolls on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale. However, access to them is restricted until Zul'Gurub opens. Mageblood Potion requires the Revered reputation with the Zandalari, while Major Troll's Blood is available at the Honored reputation.

Lastly, we have the Superior Mana Potions. These potions are available at the Undercity vendor, the same one that sells the Elixir of Shadow Power. You can also find them at the Darnassus Alchemy vendor located in the Craftsmen's Terrace.

Also Read: WOW Classic SOD: The Alchemy Is Prove To Be A Profitable Profession In Phase 3

World Drops

Next, we're going to talk about Alchemy consumables from the world drop. So, this is actually going to cover some of the best raid consumables and basically all the protection potion consumables. The Darkmoon Faire Storage Box has been dropping these world drops and Greater Arcane Elixir.

So if the Darkmoon Faire starts, you can definitely check out and try to get these items from the Darkmoon Faire Storage Box. But you have to get all the materials, or go out and farm to get tickets, and then you can get the box. But if you have enough WoW SOD Gold, you can go this route.

WoW Classic SOD Alchemy Consumables

Raid Consumables

The first one is going to be the Arcane Protection, and this is going to be in Winterspring at the blue dragon cave, specifically the Cobalt Mageweavers. They drop the Greater Arcane Protection Potion recipe, which you will use in Molten Core for one fight. So, it's very important that you have your protection.

Next is going to be the Greater Fire Protection Potion. This is going to be in Blackrock Mountain in Blackrock Spire. The mobs down below that most people try to skip or skip around, those mobs are the ones that drop it.

Then, the Greater Frost Protection Potion, this is going to be back in Winterspring, and it is going to be the frost giants that are in the chasm down. Many people farm them for the Juju that you need when the Naxxramas come along.

The Greater Nature Protection Potion drops in Western Plaguelands inside this cave. There are a bunch of Level 56 and 57 Bog Beasts that you can defeat, and they have a chance to drop it. So, it's a excellent farm for you.

Then, for the Elixir of Mongoose, this drops in Felwood at the Jadefire Run area just north of Jaedenar. The satyrs there have a chance to drop Elixir of Mongoose.

For the Elixir of Greater Firepower, now this one I figured would be in WoW Classic SOD Phase 3 because it's in Searing Gorge, and in the cauldron area, there are just a bunch of Dark Iron Dwarves that you can defeat. Every single one of them has a chance to drop it.

Next, we have the Elixir of the Sages. This one isn't that good because most raids have a Priest with Spirit and a Mage with Intellect. But, because of the new quest chain that they added, Alchemists can get their potion specialization, which requires the Elixir of the Sages.

Last, for the Gift of Arthas, some powerful tanks may use this, and it's dropped from Skeleton Raiders on these farms in the Western Plaguelands.

Potion Recipes

Next, we have the potion from the world drop. So, pretty much anything from Level 50 to 60 has a chance to drop all these. Depending on the type of potion, its bracket may be a little different. Some of them are in the 45 to 50 bracket, others are in the 51 to 60 bracket.

It's going to include the Greater Shadow Protection Potion, Limited Invulnerability Potion, Invisibility Potion, Elixir of Giants, and Greater Arcane Elixir. The most valuable of these is definitely Greater Arcane Elixir. Every caster needs them, and even Hunters might use them too.

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