Which New Locations Will You Explore In Fallout 76 Ghoul Within Update?

Whether you’re planning on turning your Fallout 76 character into a ghoul, the latest Ghoul Within update will provide you with some new questlines and take you to some of the new marked locations added in this update.

Which New Locations Will You Explore In Fallout 76 Ghoul Within Update?

Note that the six new marked locations aren’t new expansions to the Fallout 76 map, but they are a lot of fun to explore. If you’re interested, then follow this guide to explore each of them.

1. Old Danielson Cabin

When you start heading north to Savage Divide, the first location you pass is Old Danielson Cabin. While it may look ordinary from the outside, if you look closely, you’ll notice that it’s a reference to Evil Dead films.

2. Hillside Cavern

Hillside Cavern was originally a nuclear missile silo facility that Ghouls converted into a shelter. Your Fallout 76 character can enter as a human, but is not allowed to explore further.

3. Radiant Hills

Radiant Hills consists of two locations, the outer and inner, but both are home to Ghoul Renegade residents of Appalachia. Human players who can withstand the radiation from the surface of Radiant Hills can explore here, but the locals are not as friendly to human players as they are to players who have transformed into Ghouls.

The inner part of Radiant Hills is located deep in the nuclear silo of the new Hillside Cavern. It is a great travel point for farming Fallout 76 Items, but is only accessible to players who have transformed into Ghouls.

You can visit the game’s non-Ghoul-friendly factions, such as Raiders, Settlers, and Brotherhood of Steel, by visiting Jaye Vo inside Radiant Hills to equip or remove your disguise.

4. Bullengrube

At the bottom of a series of waterfalls, you can find a small pond with a secret treasure area called Bullengrube. While the water around this fast travel point is restricted to buildings, you can still build structures in certain areas around the waterfalls and streams near the northwest of Bullengrube, allowing you to have some scenic camps in the game.

5. Point Repose

You can find Point Repose in the far north and discover the sad story behind this location through the notes left by its former residents nearby.

6. Susan’s Cabin

You’ll find a location with new grass and a thatched cottage on the outskirts of the eastern Skyline Valley region. This is Susan’s Cabin, which will be the site of Fallout 76’s new seasonal public event, Big Bloom Event. Before the event starts, you can go here to chat with the new resident Black-Eyed Susan.

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