3 Most Effective Passes In EA FC 24
Here are the top 3 game changer passes in EA FC 24.
1. Nutmeg Flair Pass
Nutmeg Flair Pass is the combination of a new skill move and either short pass or through pass. So, when you perform this pass, you have to press these buttons quickly.
First of all, you have to learn how to perform the Nutmeg Flair skill move where you hold both the L1 and R1 or LB and RB at the same time holding the right analog to the direction you want your player to move to.
This skill move is 4-star rated, so you need four and above star skilled FC 24 Players in your team then the pass. As you press these buttons to perform the skill move, you don’t wait until your player finishes the move, then you pass. Please remember to press the pass button when your player begins the animation of the skill, aiming the left analog towards the player you want to pass the ball to.
According to the way, FC 24 is hard. Some tricks, like Ball Roll Pass, are no longer have that surprise effect. Everyone expects them, so it’s easy to defend against.
And that’s when the Nutmeg Flair Pass comes in. It’s easy to perform it against any opponent. The animation of the trick is a little faster than the Ball Roll Pass.
This is the way I perform this trick. For example, here, I pass the ball to my player inside the box. I see that I have this pass, but I can’t directly turn and pass because I expect my opponent to anticipate that. So, I first take my first touch into the space to bait the opponent that I’m moving forward.
The opponent was ready to block this pass, but he realized that I’m moving forward instead. So, he changes his plan and tries to follow my player.
Now everything is moving according to plans. I perform the skill pass to my Striker Rashford, control the ball into the space, and score.
2. Lobbed Pass (Cross)
Another overpowered pass is the Lobbed Pass under the cross-section. Crosses in FC 24 are too overpowered.
The reason is these playstyles, for example, the Whipped Pass playstyle. Let’s talk about two crossing scenarios.
Short Corner Cross
The first one is the corner trick cross. If you haven’t conceded this type of cross goals from the corner, then you’re playing another football game, not FC 24.
To perform this corner trick, you follow just four easy steps:
1. Choose the corner taker. You need a player with Whipped Pass playstyle or even Dead Ball and Long Ball Pass can work.
2. You need 2 players in your setup. And to call another player, you tap on R1, the second player will be available.
3. Create a crossing space. When you pass the ball to this player, you have to control the ball towards the byline to trick the opponent that you’re driving through the byline and so it drives his attention away from this player. Then, it immediately turns and passes to that player.
4. The last step is to pull out the cross. You have to control the ball. This is so important. In your game plan tactics, you need to increase your corner bars to three and above. This always sends one player to the far post. So, when pulling out the cross, you aim towards the far post and hold ‘square’ or ‘X’ on your controller, three and a half bars of power. And lastly, it will be upon you to finish this beautiful goal.
The reason why this pass works so effectively is that the opponent’s defenders tend to push towards the ball side when you play the corner shot, leaving a big space for the far post. So, when you cross many times, you will find yourself with a free header or space to score your goal.
Normal Cross
Now, this cross if you see the card Bacha, just wait for the worst to happen.
When you run down the wing, take one second and look at the opposite side of the pitch. When you see your player running towards the goal, hold the ‘square’ or ‘X’ button, load up to four bars of power while aiming towards that player, and the cross will leave you speechless.
To effective and consistently pull out those types of crosses, get yourself players with Whipped Pass playstyle, like the Bacha card has a playstyle +. If you don't have this card, you may consider using your FC 24 Coins to purchase one directly.
But even if you don’t have those players with playstyle, it doesn’t discourage you from pulling out the cross.
But one downside of this is consistency. Players with playstyles are more consistent in that action than players without.
3. Lobbed Through Pass
The number three overpowered pass is the Lobbed Through Pass.
If you want to effectively improve your counterattacking game, then you need to always implement this pass into your attack.
The pass is overpowered, and it's so consistent, meaning there's less room for errors.
To pull out the pass, since it's a through pass, you need a pass receiver running into the space. And if you don't have, you can manually send your player forward by either using the pass and move technique.
Press both the L1 + X or LB + A, your player after passing the ball will run straight forward.
Then, we have the L1 trigger, you in the left analog towards the player you want to send forward, then, you tap on L1 or LB and that player will definitely run straight forward.
Then, to pull out the pass, you need some space in front of the ball holder. Aim the left analog towards the running player, load up some power three to four bars, and the ball will be directly sent towards your player. Use this pass to improve counterattacks and score many goals.
The good thing about FC 24 is that attacking mechanics are many and so overpowered, but still there's some limit in attacking like building up through the middle.
WoW Dragonflight 10.2: Normal & Heroic Council Of Dreams Amirdrassil Boss Guide
This is a guide to the Council of Dreams fight in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Amirdrassil raid on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
Of course, if you have enough WoW Dragonflight Gold, you can equip your character well. This way you'll have an easier time dealing with bosses once you understand their mechanics!
As protectors of the realm, the Council of Dreams each have their own way of fighting. Pip uses his deadly illusions to bewilder his foes, while Urctos unleashes his raw power to crush them. Aerwynn employs her intelligence and skill to control the situation and lead her fellow council members.
To put it simply, the Council of Dreams is a classic council fight, three bosses at once. You will fight Pip (the trickster faerie dragon) , Aerwynn (the naturalist dryad) and Urctos (the fearsome werebear) together. And they must all die together. Urctos, our bear, is the only one that can be tanked so feel free to drag him towards the other two as best you can.
Each boss has their own set of moves, complete with an ultimate ability that they do at full energy. Their energy does starts staggered so you only get one ultimate in a time.
What we need to do is direct these bosses against each other to counter those ultimates. I’m going to run through the basic moves first, then look at the ultimates, and how to cancel them.
Let’s start with Urctos!
He’s big. He’s a bear, and he uses Agonizing Claws on his tank. Mitigate that and swap on one or maybe two stacks, whatever’s comfy.
Urctos will aim a Barreling Charge towards his tank. You can see the direction it’s heading from the big arrow.
You actually want lots of people to stand in front of this to reduce the big raid AOE he does at the end, so stack up in front of the charge.
Aerwynn spawns flowers around the room, steer clear of those for now.
She also chucks out nasty poisons that need to be dispelled, so spec into a poison cleanse if your class can and help out.
Pip does a big Wind Pushback ability, watches out behind you, and doesn’t get shoved into a flower.
He also polymorphs people into ducks, which is a whole thing.
What To Do If You’re A Duck!
- Use your Quack to get a sprint and be a fast duck!
- Run over three of those flowers on the ground to clear them!
- After you’ve eaten three flowers, you can now use Preen to stop being a duck.
You could also wait twelve seconds for the duck form to expire, but that sucks because we want to clean up the floor and twelve seconds is forever. You’re busy.
The Ultimates Of Different Bosses & How To Stop Them?
Next, let’s look at the ultimates and how to stop them.
Urctos does Blind Rage at 100 energy, channeling ramping raid damage. To stop this, somebody in duck form needs to exit duck mode while on top of him. Doing this turns the bear into a duck and calms him down considerably.
Aerwynn’s Ultimate is Constricting Thicket, which is also stacking raid damage. To stop her, you need to hit her with Urctos’s Barreling Charge. Urctos’s tank points the charge arrow at Aerwynn. He crashes into her and problem solved.
Pip’s Ultimate is Song of the Dragon, a big damage absorb that goes onto everyone in the raid. If you still have that absorb after 12 seconds, you’ll be stunned with a huge DoT. So, you actually want to take damage on purpose to clear off your absorb. Stand in a flower until your dancing lady debuff is gone and you’ll be fine.
Also Read: WoW Dragonflight 10.2: How To Get A Full Set Of 450 Aberrus Tier On Every Single Character?
On Normal, that’s it!
On Heroic, we have a couple of upgrades.
Urctos’ Agonizing Claws becomes a frontal cone, so watch where’s he’s pointing and don’t be in front unless you’re the tank. That’s tough because of how much we’re moving in this fight, so keep an eye out.
Standing in the Barreling Charge on Heroic now debuffs you for 30 seconds. Do not soak back-to-back charges. And, when you exit duck form on Heroic, anybody in this ring around you is going to become a duck. It’s contagious.
Run out of the raid before you Preen to avoid ducking people and give some space around Urctos during his ultimate, so you can drop the duck bomb on him without clipping anyone.
You could also pass duck form around on purpose with for the sake of clearing more floor or timing it perfectly with the Blind Rage.
I don’t know if you’re gonna need to do that, but it’s an option if you’re stuck. And that’s the Council of Dreams! Hopefully, by mastering these mechanics, you can defeat these endgame bosses more easily.
How Thrown Utility Damage Works In Dark And Darker?
In this guide, we’re going to be going over thrown utility in Dark and Darker and what exactly can affect their damage since I often find people don’t really loot or use these Dark and Darker Items as often as they should when they give such a massive advantage in fights.
Explosive Bottles And Oil Lanterns
Let’s start with the Explosive Bottles and Oil Lanterns, also commonly referenced as Mollies.
Explosive Bottles: Throw an explosive bottle at a target location that will cause a bottle that creates a fiery explosion upon impact, scorching the surrounding area and inflicting area-of-effect (AOE) damage to all within its blast radius. It is lootable. The damage it deals depends on its tier. The higher the tier, the higher the damage it deals.
Oil Lanterns: When in someone’s hand, emits light that illuminates the surrounding area. Additionally, it can be thrown in a similar fashion to an explosive bottle, leaving fire that deals 3 magical damage per second. They can be found in loot chests.
These throwable utility items will deal no impact damage and instead spawn a ground AOE that deals 3 magic damage per second, no matter the Rarity.
Right now, I’m actually not sure what rarity does for Explosive Bottles. It seems like it only affects the sell price to the vendor. The duration and base damage are the same across the board. Anyway, if you want these bottles, be prepared with plenty of Dark and Darker Gold.
Since Explosive Bottles and Oil Lanterns are magic damage. Their damage will increase with Magic Power Bonus, + Additional Magic Damage and + True Magic Damage, all at 50% scaling.
The burn effect or tick damage can stack up to 3 times and randomly appear in the AOE. This is why Explosive Bottles may sometimes seem ineffective and other times very powerful.
Here’s just five ticks at plus 4 magic damage on my Fighter. Of course, the duration is a bit exaggerated here for demonstrational purposes since usually won’t cook for more than 2 or 3 ticks if you just run through them. Still, it’s a decent amount of damage.
Francisca Axes And Throwing Knives
Now, let us look to the Francisca Axes and Throwing Knives, which do a single instance of on-hit physical damage.
Here is a rule: just follow basic weapon damage for most time. So, + Additional Physicial Damage, + True Physical Damage, and any form of physical power will increase the damage from these two utility items at 100% scaling. This is where perk and spell bonuses make things a little crazy.
As not only do they benefit from weapon perks, like the Barbarian’s Axe Specialization, and Executioner for Francisca Axes, they will also benefit from any kind of Applied Damage Buffs, like the Cleric’s Divine Strike and the Wizard’s Ignite.
At full buff, this can cause some absurdly high damage numbers, even with absolutely no gear. For example, I can hit in the high 60s with the Starter Kit Franciscas Axes, which deals only 18 damage at base.
Note, that’s over three times the base damage.
All we need are our two strength skills, our applicable Barbarian perks, and a base gear Cleric to give us Divine Strike and Bless.
You can even throw Ignite on for more damage as it still applies to utility items even though the VFX doesn’t appear.
Another key feature of thrown physical utility is that it has a fairly strong on hit slow, actually very strong on hit slow, as they currently sit at 25% and 20%. These stats are both higher than the long sword and it sounds kind of crazy.
Now, Ironmace has addressed the effectiveness of these two utility items in the past by adding both damage and velocity falloff, making them slightly less effective at longer ranges.
However, an in-game mechanic that people often don’t know about is that you could hold down or charge up your throw over a couple of seconds to bring it up to maximum speed. And it honestly makes a pretty big difference.
One last note on these two thrown utility items is that it will trigger any on hit skills or perks, like the Barbarian’s Achilles Strike and Reckless Attack, the Fighter’s Victory Strike or the Rogue’s Rupture, Weakpoint and Poison Weapon.
Even though it doesn’t show up on the training dummy and yes, they’re not damaging utility items. But throwing torches and lanterns also can be used to apply Achilles Strike and Rupture.
Now, I know this isn’t exactly game-changing knowledge for those who have been playing Dark and Darker for some time, especially those who’ve been around since the early play test and witness firsthand the Francisca Axe is at their peak power.
But the bottom line here is that these items still scale up to be incredibly strong and they’ll give you huge advantages in PVP. They’re definitely worth looting and buying for cheap price since chances are your class is already optimized to deal with high damage with them.
How To Instantly Improve Your Finishing In EA FC 24? - 7 Tips
In this FC 24 guide, I’ll show you all of the F techniques and how we can get the most out of them in proper situations. I’ll also reveal my secret favorite method this year that allows me to score many goals than before.
This means you will be able to win more games and earn more FC 24 Coins!
1. Precision Shooting
Before we start with the specific finishing techniques, we will take a look at the new future that affects the finishing directly, which is the Precision Shooting.
Some of the players have been complaining about the Assisted Shooting being complete garbage and they miss easy goals. If you’re one of them, now you have an option to correct this.
As you create scoring opportunities in the game, you will not have the option to take advantage of Precision Shooting. This shooting mechanic demands that you sharpen your aim when setting up a shot. It will also increase the power of the shot, meaning the ball will head towards a target at faster speeds.
Compared to the default Assisted Shooting, you are more in control of choosing the direction of the shot. That means you will have to aim perfectly with your left analog stick while shooting and the input will be directly reflected with your shot.
Let’s understand the main difference between the Assisted and Precision Shooting. With the Assisted Shooting, you choose one of the sides to shoot to. The direction of the left stick doesn’t have to be exactly towards the goal. You just pick a side and go for the shot with the Precision Shooting.
However, you can’t do that. You have to aim directly towards the goal. Otherwise, it will go miles out.
To enable Precision Shooting, go to settings menu and look for the ‘Gameplay’ settings option.
After entering it, scroll down to find the “Shoot Assistance” option once you do set it the Precision from default. The question is, should you actually use the Precision Shooting?
There is no right answer to that if Precision Shooting or Assisted Shooting is better. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and it’s actually all about if you’re willing to take your time and become better at it. Because you need a bit of patience with it. If you think you don’t want to use it, just don’t turn it on.
2. Finesse Shot
Let’s move on to our first real finishing technique, the Finesse Shot.
With this method, your player shoots the ball with the inside of his foot and adds a fensive curve to it so that it becomes harder for the keeper to catch it.
To be able to perform a Finesse Shot, hold on to your R1 & RB button and power it up with your shooting button. They work incredibly fine both in one versus one situation and from the distance.
Whenever you can get the ball towards your player's strong foot, feel free to give your shot a little curve by using the Finesse Shot. Preparing the perfect Finesse Shot, however, has a little thick. You need to set your player with an angle between 30 and 45 degrees towards the goal. With this angle, you can aim for the perfect finesse path and that will surely enhance the curve.
In a very simple example, we get past the opponent here. Because I know I want to go for a Finesse Shot, I don’t go straightforward instead give myself an angle, which favors my strong foot. And as the keeper comes out, I finish the position with a Finesse Shot.
With FC 24, playstyles were introduced, and there’s also playstyle for Finesse Shot. Players with this playstyle are extremely dangerous, especially if they have the Finesse +. You can see those playstyles on the player page and whenever you try to execute that specific mechanic, they will glove above the player’s head.
So, definitely look out for them. And if you have players with Finesse playstyle, fear no distance, take a look at the goal, and go for a Finesse Shot.
The question is how much power do I need with the Finesse Shot and where do I aim at? If you’re using Assisted Shooting like I do, you can just choose one side with a left stick angle around 45° towards the goal. This usually is the optimal direction.
The power changes depending on the distance from the goal in the Box. You can score any Finesse Shot with the power around two bars. However, the distance shots require more power. That is why I recommend shots with around three bars of power.
3. Outside Foot Shot
There will be times where you will find it hard to get the ball towards your strong foot. But don’t worry, there is indeed a perfect method to use in those situations as well. This finishing technique is called the Outside Foot Shot.
To be able to perform an Outside Foot Shot, hold on to your L2 & LT button and power up a shot while the ball is close to your weak foot. This will help you avoid using your weak foot and instead shoot with the outside of your stronger one. In my opinion, it is as strong and reliable as Finesse Shots in the current state of the game.
The trick for the Outside Foot Shot is to aim a bit further away from the far post. Don’t worry, with the curve this meta itself gives, it will reach the goal and get in if you use it correctly.
The answers to where to aim and how much power is needed are the same with the Finesse Shots. Make sure to remind yourself of the distance.
Of course, there’s a playstyle again, which enhances this shooting type and it’s called Trivela. It gives your Outside Foot Shot a better curve and with that an accuracy. So, if you have FC 24 Players with that playstyle or even playstyle +, make sure to try this method out.
4. Power Shot
Those two are very strong, but they’re not the only finishing types you will need. Sometimes, you need power to beat the keeper and that is why we have Power Shots since last year.
To be able to execute a Power Shot, hold on to your both L1 & R1 or LB & RB buttons together while shooting.
There are two things you need to watch out for with this method. Aiming with your left stick is extremely important as Power Shots get aimed manually. It is very easy not to hit the goal with it if you use your left stick carelessly.
Secondly, your player will need some time to prepare the Power Shot and become vulnerable for tackles in that time. You either need some space and time before you go for a Power Shot or a player with a playstyle Power Shot +.
Power Shot + significantly reduces the time penalty of this method and you shoot the ball rapidly as if you’re going for a normal shot.
5. Chip Shot
Next up, we have a very situational method that was very strong in previous titles but fails to impress me in this one, which is the Chip Shot.
It allows us to make the ball fly over the keeper if he tends to get out of his goal. You need to hold on to the L1 & LB button while shooting to chip the ball over the keeper.
However, like I’ve said, it is very easy to fail with it. You might fail with the Chip Shot if you’re too close to the goal. If the keeper baits you as if he’s coming out and then gets back, then you might fail again.
From my experience, it’s only viable to go for a Chip Shot once the keeper completely overcommits with coming out of his goal. Once he does that, make sure to chip the bolt towards the fire poost so that he won’t be able to get a single touch to stop it.
Here, I get the ball behind the defensive line and expect the keeper to come out. He exactly does that. And just because I’ve given myself a little angle towards the lower side, I find it very easy to chip the ball over the keeper towards the fire poost and score an easy goal.
6. Timed Finishing
Now that we’ve seen the finishing techniques, I will show you how to empower them.
In my opinion, this method takes the finishing to another level. I’m talking about the Timed Finishing.
Timed Finishing is a high-risk and high-reward mechanic that could either enhance your shot or blew everything up depending on your performance with it. The mechanic is simple.
Once you power up a shot, you have to press the shooting button a second time as your player is about to hit the ball. If you can time this correctly, you’ll see that the cursor above your player’s head glows green.
This will give the ball a better accuracy and speed towards the goal. If you can time it correctly, it will either glow red or gray. That means you need to practice more on it to get a better feeling about it.
The way I advise players to practice it is to get yourself first into an offline match, such as squat battles, and only focus on the mechanic itself. Then, try it out against real players in online matches.
Trust me with time, you will surely get a better feeling and talent on it and it will be much more natural to you.
Timed finishing can be used with different finishing methods that we have previously showed you and will greatly increase the success rate of any shot. Practice makes it perfect.
7. Near Post Shot
Finally, I want to give you my favorite method for the finishing this season. I feel like every other season this gets changed, but with FC 24, Near Post Shots became stronger than ever.
Even if sometimes it looks incredibly hard, they go in magnificently. One of the reasons that I prefer Near Post Shots is that because players tend to move their keeper towards the fire poost and open the near one. Even without that, the Near Post Shots are strong.
To make them more consistent, I advise you to use the green time finishing and make sure you blast the ball in.
Genshin Impact 4.2 Update Comes Packed With 5 Insane New Features!
The newest Genshin Impact update contains a lot of new and insane content and these are the top 5 new features coming with the 4.2 version.
1st Feature: New Zones
So, with this new update, comes many zones.
There’s a lot of peculiar landscapes we saw during the livestream. And from what I understand, these zones will be on the east side of Fontaine and you’ll get to visit places like this foggy forest with a strange tree.
One of the main things about this zone in particular is that it has these contaminated bacterial zones that you’ll find all over the place and you’ll need to cleanse them by utilizing a new aberrant ability, which are those temporary skills you obtain while underwater. But we’ll learn all about this more from a new world quest that will explain what’s the deal with those contaminations.
Still, we’re not done yet. There’s another cool place called the Fathomless Tower that we’ll get to explore and it will be a critical point in the storyline that explains some of the things about the Primordial Sea, so I am personally interested to learn more about it. And besides, who doesn’t love a good old mysterious tower exploration?
And when it comes to questing, it’s been officially confirmed that Act V of the Hydro Archon quest will be included with the 4.2 update and on top of this, Furina’s personal story quest is also going to be available.
2nd Feature: New Events
As always, we’re getting a bunch of new events.
Now the main one is going to be focused around this cute mechanical penguin that you’ll need to fix and improve together with Freminet.
The event is made up of 3 stages:
In the first one, you’ll need to play a small mini-game where you guide the penguin to its objective on this grid, while in the 2nd stage will require you to go underwater and look for parts to use on the Penguin.
Finally, the third stage will be a combat mini-event, and here you actually get to fight alongside your mechanical penguin friend. He will apply different effects for the battle and to me. This looks like the coolest part of this main event.
Now, if you put in the effort and finish this quest, then the biggest reward is going to be a free copy of Freminet, which is pretty cool. But you know what’s even cooler?
Bongohead is making a return. That’s right, the pokemon-esque Fungi event is making a return, and it seems like the developers made optimizations for this event, so I am interested to try it out.
Another event called Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log or, as I like to call it, just exchange stuff with your friends event. So basically, submit photos, use patterns or exchange them with your friends and obtain this new unique gadget called Zoom Lens that allows to zoom in before taking a photo.
Finally, Misty Dungeon is also making a return. This combat event is known for being a pretty cool place to test various characters you don’t have since you can use their trial versions.
And as always, Leyline overflow event will also be available sometime during the new update.
3rd Feature: New Characters
So, with the 4.2 update, we’re finally going to be able to pull for the legendary archon Furina, who is a 5-star Hydro Sword user. If you want to quickly experience this 5-star character in the new version, buying Genshin Impact Accounts directly will be a good choice!
And from what it looks like, she can switch between Ousia or Pneuma by using her charged attacks. And this will matter because her skill will summon Hydro companions to the battlefield and they will differ depending if she was aligned with Pneuma or Ousia.
I am a huge sucker when it comes to cute little critters, but Furina goes over the top by summoning more than 1 of them!
However, I think the biggest thing about her is her burst. To put it simply, it will deal some Hydro DMG and then put the whole team into this special state and whenever someone loses or gains HP, their damage and healing will be boosted.
It’s clear that Furina will be a unique hybrid that boosts the team but also applies Hydro with her skill, which will be an important factor to consider.
But on a lighter side, one of Furina’s passives decreases the CD of aberrant abilities you use underwater and get this. When one of her summons from the skill are on the field, she can walk on water. Talk about powercreeping Kokomi.
Moving over, Charlotte, a 4-star Cryo Catalyst, will also be available to summon for. I think it’s funny that Hoyoverse decided to release 2 Cryo Catalysts back-to-back, which was one of the element & weapon combos that we’ve never had prior to 4.1.
But I think it’s a good that they have done this because playing a Cryo Catalyst is pretty funny with all things considered. So, it really shouldn’t be locked behind a 5-star.
Also Read: Genshin Impact 4.2: Details About Furina Buffs & Changes
But, what does Charlotte do? Her skill shares some similarities to Nahida’s skill, so she can tap it and deal some damage or hold it down and take a snapshot with her camera of several enemies.
Now, I am not sure what kind of potential this skill has, but you gotta admire her Normal and Charged attacks. They look so satisfying. It makes wanna build her as a damage dealer no matter how unfit this may be.
And there is a reason why I mention this. Her burst will create this field and deal damage to enemies inside. But at the same time, it will also heal your characters. So, I think this burst kinda gives away the fact that Charlotte is going to be a healer. But no matter what, I will still try to build her as a damage dealer because those Normal Attacks look too good.
And remember those Zoom Lens I’ve mentioned. Charlotte has a unique ability that allows her skill to take pictures mid combat when using this gadget. So, it’s interesting to see that while you can use this gadget with any character, she has a special use case for it.
But, let’s quickly talk about the banners now. In the first phase, Furina as well as Baizhu will have their own featured banners. But what’s interesting is that it will be possible to pull for Charlotte during this phase as well. So, both new characters are available during the first phase while in the second phase, Ayato and Cyno will be the featured characters.
So, if you have saved up a lot of Primogems and your plan is to pull for Furina, chances are you might also obtain Charlotte, so two Steambirds with one stone.
Obviously, in the first phase, you’ll also be able to pull for Furina’s signature weapon, so keep that in mind.
4th Feature: New Enemies
This time around, the new weekly boss is going to be a massive whale. And I know what you’re thinking – how fast a whale player will beat this whale, right?
Anyway, this is actually a pretty interesting fight because during the first phase, this big beefy boy will unleash tons of AoE attacks. So, you’ll need to run around like crazy and dodge them.
But what’s interesting is that you’ll notice he has this thingy below his health bar. From what I understand, there will be special ways to build it up because you’ll need to defeat the Whale this way.
However, what’s really cool about this fight is that the whale will literally suck you into his belly and then a new foe, a really cool foe shows up and you need to duel him to death. So, this fight seems to be pretty complex but interesting and hopefully it won’t get tiresome after repeating it over and over for materials.
And speaking of repetition, a new world boss called Hydro Tulpa will be waiting for you, so you can slaughter him and take its materials to level up your characters.
He looks pretty cool. I like his design, but like with every other world boss, they’re just there to get demolished within a minute.
5th Quality Of Life
When it comes to Quality of Life changes with 4.2 update, there’s actually quite plenty of them.
First of all, the weekly boss fights for new players had to be a bane to deal with, especially when you pull that sweet new character. And you realize that you can’t level their talents if you haven’t unlocked a specific region and completed its Archon quest.
This changes with 4.2 update and now, you can just quick challenge any of the weekly bosses even if you haven’t unlocked their fights through the story.
The next one on the list is a feature that I wanted to see for a long time and that’s giving more control over your quests. Up until now, if you used one of those keys to unlock a hangout or a story quest with a character, often you would end up causing some conflicts for other quests, like when it says a character is busy in another quest. So annoying.
But, now you can choose to just unlock a quest and then later you can decide to accept it, which means fewer characters being busy when you need to complete other quests. You will even get to see a window with pre-requisite conditions for a quest, so you’ll know what to expect.
Now, when it comes to the next quality of life feature, it’s pretty small but still matters and it will increase the amount of pins you can have on your map from 150 to 200. There will also be a batch delete function for pins, so you don’t have to go around and keep selecting and deleting one pin at a time.
But then, there’s probably the most important change, at least for me, and that’s Genius Invokation TCG getting sped up. Basically, there will be an option to enable where every single animation gets accelerated. And from the previews I saw, it actually looks like the game doesn’t feel sluggish anymore and I’ll be real.
Part of the reason why I didn’t really get into this game mode was literally because of how slow it felt and I kid you not. This might actually convince me to go and play this mode again, because I still haven’t unlocked everything.
And what’s even better, you’ll also be able to share decks with each other, thanks to the Sharing Code feature. So, now, I can just copy top meta decks and enjoy my life as a slacker.
Finally, Stellar Reunion has been optimized. This event for players who return after taking a break from the game will offer more relevant rewards, and you can even get story keys if you haven’t collected them.
Best Build To Play In POE 3.22 Krangled Event 2023
Different Path of Exile players may have different preferences. For example, some people like to create unique characters, others are looking for extra challenges, and some just crave the thrill of intense battles. Therefore, GGG will hold three events in November based on the preferences of different players:
- Krangled Passives (November 3 - November 10)
- Blast From The Past (November 10 - November 17)
- Shifting Stones (November 17- November 24)
Today, we’re diving into the intricate world of one of the special events, the Krangled Passives.
About Krangled Passives Event
Krangled Passives is the first event.
In this event, the passive skill tree and all ascendancy trees are jumbled. Minor passive skills, notable keystones, minor ascendancy skills, and major ascendancy skills have been internally scrambled within those categories. This means that a notable passive skill remains a notable passive skill, but it’s now randomly assigned.
Additionally, all players will be working with identical skill trees, but the Scion character class is not accessible in this event. The GGG team has introduced a range of additional POE Items for players based on their level achievements.
The rewards become increasingly valuable as your character’s level rises. The top three players overall will receive a full microtransaction bundle.
Tier S -Totem Build
Totems will be the first build that comes to mind. This is because Totem life bonuses are somewhat dispersed throughout the standard passive tree.
Ancestor Totem attack builds may function effectively with a Krangled skill tree. But I believe that native spell totems, such as Holy Flame Totem and Spell Totem Support builds heavily rely on the Ancestral Bond keystone.
Consequently, these Spell Totem setups may not perform as well in this special event compared to the base game. Nonetheless, we believe that investigating totem builds is a worthwhile endeavor during this event.
Here are some builds you can follow: Shockwave Totem and EA Ballista.
Tier A - DOT Build
In the regular game, damage over time is typically balanced in comparison to instant damage, which is often reliant on Critical Strike.
This balance remains consistent in this special event, although critical strike is hard to get here. So, we’ll need to locate the various damage multiplier nodes spread across the skill tree.
Notably, elemental damage has captured our attention, as it appears to hold the most promise in this event. This is because elemental damage can be amplified by various statistics and it’s already in a favorable position in the base game.
Here are some builds you can follow: Toxic Rain Ballista and Cold DOT.
Tier B - Trap (Elementalist Build)
In the case of Traps and Mines, it is important to note that the majority of Trap and Mine builds heavily depend on Critical Strikes.
However, it is worth mentioning that there are Trap and Mine builds designed around elemental damage. And we anticipate that the Trap and Mine builds will be one of the most popular and effective choices in this event.
Here are some builds you can follow: Righteous Fire + Fire Trap and Hexblast Mines.
Also Read: POE 3.22 November Events 2023 Is Coming Soon! - Everything You Need To Know
Tier C - Minion Build
Next up are Minion builds.
The critical components of the passive tree that enhance minion abilities are widely dispersed, which may pose challenges.
However, it is essential to stay vigilant as a particular ascendancy class might offer a concentrated pool of powerful minion related bonuses.
If such an ascendancy exists, there is a chance building around minions still works. But for now, we have to wait and see.
Here are some builds you can follow: Absolution and Poison SRS.
Tier D - Build Around Crit
We think Critical Strikes are going to be the hardest or near impossible to pull off in general.
In the normal game without the Krangled tray modifier, there’s a synergy involving a base tree. Critical clusters grant you both Critical Strike multiplier and Critical Strike chance together in the same cluster.
This is important because you need to have both stats for either of them to become good.
Here are some builds you can follow: Lightning Arrow and Spark.
Last Notice
There is one last to notice: when it comes to builds you want to, have a look and see or any of the base classes are ahead just due to having more options or better patterns. Of course, no matter what your options are, you’ll need to have plenty of POE Currency to craft these builds.
And one of the things you’ll notice if you look into this is that some of the ascendancies have more notables than others. The Witch starting area is stacked with more notables than the rest of the tray is. And that means there’s more chance for those notables to be good now.
This doesn’t guarantee that these ascendancies or that the witch class are going to be better than other options. It just means that they have more chance to be good.
How To Farm Uber Duriel & Uber Uniques Quickly In Diablo 4 Season 2?
Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 are the ultimate power fantasy, and now with Season 2, we’re finally able to reliably get them. Uber Uniques are the most powerful equipment you can possibly get in the game.
In order to do this, you’ll need to farm Helltides, whispers, and 3 of the new endgame bosses: Grigoire the Galvanic Saint, Varshan, and Duriel the King of Maggots.
In this guide, we’re not only covering how to farm them, we’re also covering the quickest methods for getting your first Uber Unique.
Before You Farm
Before you start farming, you’ll first need to get into World Tier 4 by completing the Capstone Dungeon, The Fallen Temple.
For the new endgame bosses and for speed farming in general, consider first getting your character maxed out in level, at least cap your resistance to Poison and Lightning, and get some good item power 925 equipment.
Farming Grigoire
Grigoire is an endgame boss in World Tier 4 located in the Hall of the Penitent that you’ll need to defeat to collect Shards of Agony, one of two summoning items needed to summon Duriel.
Grigoire takes 5 Living Steel to summon and Living Steel comes from farming Helltide. Helltide is unlocked in World Tier 3. But because Living Steel only drops 1 at a time in World Tier 3, I recommend only farming Living Steel in World Tier 4.
Helltide is an event that is active for an hour and is then down for an hour and 15 minutes. Defeat enemies in a Helltide to collect Aberrant Cinders.
To get Living Steel, we’ll need to find Tortured Gifts of Living Steel. To make this easier, I use the website Helltides.com, which tells me every time a Helltide is starting, and also predictively where each Living Steel chest is.
Once you find a Living Steel chest, you’ll need to untether the mini boss, defeat them, and then open the chest, which costs 300 Aberrant Cinders. Each chest will drop 3 Living Steel and in rare cases, sometimes more.
There is a way to farm Living Steel much faster though by taking advantage of the Helltide timer, which allows us to collect up to 12 Living Steel in a single run of Helltide.
Farm Living Steel
Here’s how to farm 12 Living Steel in a single run of Helltide.
First off, it’s extremely helpful to know where to farm Aberrant Cinders quickly. I prefer areas that I either know have high mob density or specific types of mobs that spawn in larger packs. Because, I can get a lot of Diablo 4 Gold and XP.
For this, I usually farm around the edges of Helltide regions or areas that specifically have Spiders type enemies or Cannibal type enemies. Areas that have narrow pathways can also be a great source of mob density and ease of farming for Aberrant Cinders. I generally stay away from large open areas since groups of enemies can be harder to locate.
To get this trick to work, it’s incredibly important to understand the timing conventions for Helltide. Helltide is always up for an hour and down for an hour and 15 minutes. This means that Helltide will always be offset by 15 minutes with every new Helltide.
The Tortured Gift of Living Steel will reset at the top of every hour, meaning if your Helltide started at 4:30 and will end at 5:30, you’ll have before 5:00 to collect a set of 6 Living Steel and after 5 to collect another set of 6 Living Steel.
This can be incredibly difficult if a Helltide spawns at the 45 minute mark because you’ll have 15 minutes to collect 600 Aberrant Cinders in order to get the full 12 Living Steel.
Doing 4 Helltides in a row using this method can realistically get you 39 Living Steel, which is 1 Living Steel short of 8 summons of Grigoire, and 4 summons of Uber Duriel.
Here’s a summary of how many Living Steel per Helltide depending on the Helltide start times.
Farming Varshan
Varshan is the other endgame boss in World Tier 4 that is located near the Tree of Whispers that you’ll need to defeat to collect Mucus-Slick Eggs, one of two summoning items needed to summon Duriel.
Varshan takes 4 summoning items to spawn: Gurgling Heads, Blackened Femurs, Trembling Hands, and Malignant Hearts.
To farm these summoning items for Varshan, you’ll need to complete Whispers and turn in your Grim Favors at the Tree of Whispers. Opening a cache will randomly drop the summoning items needed for Varshan.
If you have too much of one body part, you’ll be able to swap these out through the Alchemist by purchasing Body Part Caches. The problem you’ll run into is having a shortage of Malignant Hearts.
Farm Body Parts
Here’s how to farm Varshan summoning items easily and quickly.
To collect 8 of the easiest Grim Favors, head over to the PVP area located Alzuuda. You’ll want to defeat the Seething Abomination, which takes about 30 seconds for an easy 5 Grim Favors.
Then, head over to the Altars of Hatred, which takes a minute to complete for another 3 Grim Favors. From here, you’ll want to complete every Legion Event or World Boss that is marked as a whisper.
Completing these will not only give you 3 or 5 Grim Favors, but they’ll also spawn something called a Grotesque Debtor. Multiple of these enemies can spawn, and each one of them will drop Varshan Body Parts.
This can also happen from completing whispers anywhere. But from what I’ve noticed, there’s only a small chance for them to spawn outside of World Bosses and Legion Events.
Keep your eye out for this indicator on the mini map, or by this summoning animation that indicates a Grotesque Debtor is about to spawn.
One of my favorite ways to collect 10 Grim Favors is running Whisper Dungeons. I clear these by focusing just on the objectives for the purpose of getting the 5 Grim Favors from completing dungeons.
Farming Duriel
After farming Grigoire and Varshan, you’re ready to summon Duriel. Each summon of Duriel is going to require 2 Mucus-Slick Eggs and 2 Shards of Agony.
Head over to the Gaping Crevasse in Southern Kehjistan and after a short distance, you’ll be at the summoning Altar.
Being well geared and maxing out your poison resistance is highly recommended for surviving this fight and doing enough damage to kill Duriel.
Use a Poison Elixir to further increase your poison resistance by raising the cap.
Preferably, you’ll want to do this with a group of people that each have their own set of summoning items. This way, you’ll get 4 times the chances at finding an Uber Unique.
You can find other players by using the official Diablo 4 Discord and going to the Looking for Group Bosses channel under your realm type.
Uber Duriel Guide
Here’s a fast guide for fighting Duriel.
When Duriel burrows into the ground, he’ll come back through the craters in the stage along with adds. Duriel’s adds will act as turrets, remaining stationary.
Both Duriel and the adds do high poison damage. Dodge the maggots that fall from the ceiling. They hit pretty hard.
When Duriel rocks back and forth, dodge behind him to avoid the projectiles.
When Duriel charges an attack like this, Duriel will grab and eat you.
When he pierces the ground, poison will erupt from the ground, creating poison areas where they land.
5 Invaluable Tips That Help You To Be The Best In New World!
Here, I want to introduce you what pros in New World do - five tips that will help you to be the best. I will go over how to best earn gold and level up your skill at the same time, what is the best time to buy legendary tools, tips for buying houses and trophies and why do you need a legendary bag.
Tip 1: Gather, Refine & Sell
When you’re wandering around the lands doing quests or just exploring the world of Aeternum, you can come across different materials such as Iron Veins, different mote flowers, fibers, or rarer variants of wood.
I always recommend that you pick them up and store them for later in one of the many storages you have available. You might be tempted to sell them as soon as you gather them.
However, I would recommend that you refine them first and then sell them. This will net you fewer New World Coins, but it will give you a valuable refining experience that you could not gain if you had sold them.
So, in a nutshell shell, I recommend that you gather everything you see, then either refine them now and sell them or restock them up, refine them later, and sell them in a bulk. In the long run, you will end up with a lot of skills, experience, and gold.
Tip 2: Legendary Tools - A Worthy Investment
When you reach your max level or unlock the ability to equip the best gathering tools, the rarest form of this equipment is legendary represented by its orange color.
They give you a fifth perk that gives you a chance to get a mote when you gather something. You have two options: cheaper Orichalcum or more expensive Mythril tools. Now, your argument against it might be that both are too expensive.
However, they are 100% worth it. Let me elaborate on why. From a pure gold return investment, they are worth it.
Let’s say that you buy a logging axe for 3K gold, it has an Earth mote perk. You go on your logging session and you get 100 motes from it. Now, 100 motes are a bit less than 100 gold. However, you can store these motes and later turn them into higher tier versions and you again get just pure added gold from it or arcane experience.
There is also another example of why they can be useful. Let’s say you are good at weaponsmithing and you can make tier five Honing Stones. They are used by many in-game players. You can make them from Death & Fire Quintessence.
So, while you are gathering to make something else, you can in the meantime farm motes as well to make these stones at the same time. You can do this for other trade skills as well. So, in this sense, you can now think about what trade skill you are going for and then from that you should know what items you can make and look for tools that have motes that can help you in making such items that you can sell or use for yourself.
Also Read: New World: How To Farm Rawhide In Rise Of Angry Earth? - Best Locations & Tips
Tip 3: Choosing The Right House
You have been nicely collecting gold, get your trade skills up, and you have your eyes set on one of many professions, like armoring, jewel crafting, engineering, and so on. You know you will need to get a house and later on trophies as well, but you might feel a bit lost about what to buy is because there are a lot of options.
In a nutshell, houses come in four tiers. The fourth is the most expensive at 20K gold and the first is the cheapest at 5K gold. They’ll give you a place you can teleport to, just like an inn.
Tier 4 has a 2-hour cooldown and Tier 1 is 5 hours.
Next is the space for storage chests. When placed in your house, they give you bigger settlement storage. Tier 1 house has 1 slot and Tier 4 has 4 slots. The best chest is a Golden Steel Storage Chest with 1,000 space. So, a Tier 4 house with four chests gives you 4K more space. That is quite a lot of space, if you ask me.
All house tiers do have five slots of trophies and here comes an argument: if it’s worth buying the best house? Tier 4 or the cheapest at Tier 1?
For a long time, I have been debating what advice to give. When it comes to buying houses, it all comes down to your preference and play style, how much New World Gold you have, and so on. Here are some of my suggestions:
- Buy one of the Tier 4 houses in your settlement of choice.
- Fill them with the best storage chests so you get this 4K space. This will be your main crafting hub. You will be able to refine, craft, and sell your goods.
- Then, buy 2 Tier 1 houses as you just need them for trophies that will be needed.
- The rest of the storage space can be separated from all the other settlements as the transfer of materials between them is free.
- In the end, you end up with a simple one main town and plenty of space for the beginning of your journey.
- If you think you need more storage space and you have too much gold, then you can always sell it and buy the biggest mansions in Aeternum.
Tip 4: Trophies - Enhancing Your Abilities
Trophies give you a global buff depending on what trophy you pick.
In general, you have gathering trophies that give you Gathering Luck, crafting trophies that give you a bonus to gear score to crafted items, combat trophies give you more damage to certain types of enemies, and the loot luck trophies.
So, what trophy to pick is totally up to you and what you are doing. In general, each trophy stacks up to three times and you can have five of them at the same time in your house.
As a note, at the endgame, you can combine your trophies into one ultimate trophy so you can have all combat, crafting, and gathering trophies at your home. The components can be bought from your faction vendor and you can craft them with your furnishing skill.
The main question I ask myself is if minor or basic trophies are worth it? I would say that minor, so the lowest tier is better or more worthwhile than basic or medium tier ones.
My reason is that they are very cheap compared to others and they give a significant amount of a buff that they are worth your money even in the short or long term. Then, when I would have all of them, I would slowly upgrade them to the best tier.
Little steps make all the difference.
Tip 5: Legendary Bags - Lasting Benefits
One of the questions you might have asked yourself is: Are Legendary Bags worthy?
Let’s take a look. They give a fifth perk called Lasting Consumption that makes your consumables last longer, such as your food buff, Honing Stones, Proficiency Boosters and so on.
When you play at the game at in-game level and when you want to maximize your damage output or just make your gathering run more efficient, you want to have this perk on your bags.
In the long run, they will pay off by you not needing to buy more consumables. Therefore, you spend less money and that alone is the reason why I have been using them for quite some time and I have to tell you they are 100% worth it.
Getting all of these elements of the game all at once might be a daunting task and too much. But remember New World is an MMO and MMO is not a sprint but a marathon. So, take your time and enjoy the game. With time, you will get enough gold to buy all these items. It’s part of the journey of your adventurer.
S Tier Chain Lightning Build Can Dominate Diablo 4 Season 2!
I am pretty surprised at how good Chain Lightning is in Diablo 4 Season 2. I take down bosses almost 30 levels higher in only 8s. I soloed all Uber Bosses pretty easily, including Duriel that I slayed it without even knowing its mechanics.
With further optimized gear and fully upgraded Vampiric Powers, I chilly beat nightmare dungeon Tier 100 fast at only level 86 multiple times, with no elixir and sometimes no death.
The build has the damage to nuke everything plus the survivability to facetank everything. Be prepared with plenty of Diablo 4 Gold if you want to make such a powerful build.
Key Synergy & Aspects
We use two DPS skills in this build, Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning.
We use Chain Lightning directly on the skill bar to take down both melee and ranged monsters fast for speed farming.
We also use Ball Lightning indirectly for insanely high AOE damage from two sources:
One from the Enchantment Slot where all Critical Hit trigger a static Ball Lightning on the ground at a decent chance, unleashing massive AOE damage. Make sure to get high Crit Chance from gloves and two rings to feel like a Thor.
Another source is from the Ultimate, that every Chain Lightning we cast during the Ultimate will randomly cast Ball Lightnings and melt everything around.
I made the build that it has almost 0 Cooldown Ultimate. We use the Anticipation Vampiric Power to get 20% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction. We use Overflowing Energy that translates Crackling Energy to Cooldown Reduction plus two Crackling Energy generators, one from Destructive Chain Lightning and one from Wizard's Ball Lightning for further Cooldown Reduction.
And I recommend getting one extra Cooldown Reduction Stat on Helmet or Amulet so that it feels like we have 0 Cooldown Ultimate and just use it whenever we want.
But why do we want two indirect sources for Ball Lightning in the build?
This is because Ball Lightning does absolutely insane damage in Season 2. It gets 200% benefit from bonus attack speed and we get tons of bonus attack speed in this build.
We run the Accelerating Aspect on a two-handed weapon for 50% attack speed. The Ultimate adds another 25% attack speed as we have close to 0 Cooldown Ultimate.
Plus, we get another 48% from the Ravenous Vampiric Power. If we have Esu’s Heirloom, we get another 75% movement speed for 3s after using evade. This goes back to another 30% attack speed buff from Ravenous.
And we get another 14% attack speed from gloves. This is already 167% bonus attack speed in total that we more than quadruple the damage of Ball Lightning.
On top of that, we run the Gravitational Aspect to keep the Ball Lightning around us to not waste any Ball Lightning DPS and further improve its damage by another 25% multiplicatively.
As a result, we melt monsters, elites and bosses that are even 70 levels higher than us.
Infinite Mana
We will need infinite mana first to run the build smoothly.
To achieve infinite mana, we will use the Recharging Aspect that we get mana from each Chain Lightning bounce and Invigorating Conduit to recover 12 mana per crackling energy pick up.
Build Tankiness Effectively
Survivability becomes much more important post level 70.
We use Ice Armor in this build to get unlimited barrier for 6s. Plus, the 0 Cooldown Ultimate we basically get infinite barrier because we have the Protection passive that All Cooldown Skill cast grants a Barrier equal to 30% of our Maximum Life. Plus, the random Lightning Spear casted from the Ultimate.
We run the Snowveiled Aspect so that we have both Teleport and Ice Armor as Unstoppable Skill to stay safe if we are getting Crowd Controlled. And we get tons of extra Armor as the Armor bonus is buffed from 10% to 30% in 1.2.0.
In this build, Chain Lightning applies 100% Uptime for Vulnerable to all monsters with the benefit from the legendary node in the Static Surge Board. This is also why we don’t need the passive on Frost Nova.
So, we also take the Ice Armor passive to get further barrier to be really tanky. I can facetank butchers easily with Ice Armor on and even facetank T100 sometimes at only level 86.
We also run the Everliving Aspect for another constant 25% damage reduction as all monsters are Vulnerable. And make sure to get 70% All Resistance in World Tier 4 by combining the Resistance Stats on these 4 positions. We can also tweak the Paragon Board Nodes and use Gems if necessary.
Last, get at least 2% Total Armor Stats on these 4 positions. With the Aspect of Disobedience, we are super tanky and facetank everything. I will fast scan my full gear that passed T100 at level 86. I carefully selected all stats on each piece and I used Maximum Life stats on Rings to improve my survivability to just challenge T100.
Also Read: Diablo 4 Ball Lightning Sorcerer Build: Season 2 Best Tank Endgame Build Guide
Skill Tree
For the Skill Tree, we use Firebolt in Enchantment for burning synergy.
This is combined with Devouring Blaze for further crit damage. If our base crit chance is below 25%, replace Devouring Blaze with Elemental Dominance and replace Firebolt with Chain Lightning in the Enchantment for better performance.
If we got a Recharging Aspect that is above 2.5, we can remove all points from Invigorating Conduit and put them to Conjuration Mastery + Precision Magic for further damage.
Paragon Board
As mentioned earlier, the most important node in the Paragon Board is the Static Surge legendary node that enables our Chain Lightning to apply Vulnerable states to all monsters plus some mana regeneration. We will unlock it the first thing after we are on the second board.
Vampiric Powers
For Vampiric Powers, I recommend using:
- Resilience. It is the best Vampiric Power to help us survive in high tiers.
- Ravenous. It gives us 40-75% extra attack speed for great synergy in the build Anticipation. It helps us get, close to 0 Cooldown Ultimate for much more damage and survivability.
- Accursed Touch. It does great AOE damage to further speed up farming.
- Prey on the Weak. It helps us get another 16% multiplicative damage boost as we apply 100% Vulnerable Uptime to all monsters.
Without Gravitational Aspect
Unfortunately, the Gravitational Aspect is only dropped randomly and cannot be target farmed.
If you haven’t got one, I recommend using the Unbroken Tether Aspect for greater Chain Lightning Synergy or the Control Aspect that can be codex imprinted if you don’t have the Unbroken Tether either.
Skill Rotation
There is no specific skill rotation in this build Skill Rotation.
We are pretty flexible to fight enemies both in close range or at a distance. As the Ultimate is free, just cast Ultimate, keep pressing Chain Lightning and witness everything melt in seconds.
I really like this Chain Lightning build because it has extremely high attack speed, insane damage, superb survivability and free to cast Ultimate to greatly boost damage whenever I want.
I am not only having a blast but also having lots of fun running it.
ESO’s 2023 Witches Festival Will Return Soon!
Here, we’ll talk about the Witches Festival 2023 for the Elder Scrolls Online.
Witches Festival
The Witches Festival got introduced 2016 and usually returns each year mid or end of October.
The Festival is part of the Base Game and you don’t need any DLCs or ESO + to earn unique rewards or event tickets.
How To Start The Witchmother’s Festival?
If you never participated in the past years in the Witches Festival, you have to complete the quest ‘The Witchmother’s Bargain’ first.
Open the Crown Store and use the free quest starter Crow Caller to summon the Witchmother and start the quest. She will request you to obtain a pumpkin, a sample of guts, and an Essence of Death.
The quickest way to obtain pumpkin and guts is to look at the guild traders and buy them with ESO Gold.
If you don’t want to spend gold, you can find guts by looting small animals and fleshy undeads. And pumpkins can be found in containers or on the ground throughout Tamriel or you can purchase them from the NPC Grocers for 150 gold.
To obtain the Essence of Death, you must kill a boss of any delve. Delves in Cyrodiil are not working to earn Essence of Death.
Once you have all three ingredients (Guts, Pumpkins & Essences of Death), you will be directed to the Witchmother’s Brewery in Auridon, Glenumbra or Stonefalls. You may use any of these three locations, regardless of your alliance. Even so, the quest will still direct you to your alliances zone.
After you deliverd the requested ESO Items to the Witchmother, she will start to prepare her brew. Complete the quest ‘The Witchmother’s Bargain’ to receive the Witchmother’s Whistle Memento.
Double XP - Witchmother’s Whistle Memento
Use the Witchmother’s Whistle memento to summon the Witchmother’s Cauldron. This will grant you and your party a two hour 100% XP buff that stacks with all other xp bonuses.
You can’t use the Memento in Cyrodiil, but you can activate the buff before you enter Cyrodiil to use the double xp buff there.
You don’t have to drink from the Witchmother’s Cauldron in order to gain the xp buff. But if you decide to taste the Witchmother’s Brew, you will transform into a skeleton for a limited time.
If you completed the quest in previous events, you don’t need to acquire the Crow Caller or complete the quest again. You can just open your memento collection, go to tools, and there you can use the Witchmother’s Whistle Memento.
Witches Festival Rewards & Plunder Skulls
During the event, all bosses and monsters will drop unique Plunder Skulls and Dremora Plunders Skulls, which will contain amazing Witches Festival themed loot.
Plunder Skull has a chance to contain the following spooky items:
- Witches Festival Furnishing Recipes
- Witches Festival Furnishings
- Witches Festival Recipes
- Witches Festival Provisioning Recipes
- Various Creepy Crawlies
- Various Crafting Materials
- Dremora Plunder Skulls
You can acquire Dremora Plunder Skulls in addition to the regular Plunder Skulls. These will be the first Plunder Skull drop you receive for each type of boss each day.
A Dremora Plunder Skull contains all the same items found in a regular Plunder Skull, but it also includes a Dremora Motif page based on the type of boss you defeated.
- The Final Boss of the Dragonstar Arena, Maelstrom Arena, Blackrose Prison Arena or Vateshran Arena drop Dremora Motif pages for Bows and Legs.
- Dark Anchor, Geyser Bosses, Dragons and Harrowstorms drop Dremora Motif pages for Daggers and Gloves.
- Delve Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Staves and Belts.
- The final boss of a Group Dungeon drop Dremora Motif pages for Helmets and Maces.
- Public Dungeon and Quest Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shields and Boots.
- Final Trial Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Swords and Chests.
- World Bosses drop Dremora Motif pages for Shoulders and Axes.
Dremora Plunder Skulls may also contain the following additional rewards:
- Grave Dancer Style Pages
- Witches Festival Writs
- Glenmoril Treasure Maps
- Runeboxes with more collectibles
Witches Festival Writs
The Witches Festival Writs work much like Master Writs. They can be traded, mailed, and sold.
Once you accept the contract, however, they are bound to you.
If you complete 13 Witches Festival Writs, you will earn the Witch’s Infernal Hat and for completing 28 Witches Festival Writs will earn the title “Witch”.
By completing Witches Festival Writs, you also have a chance to find Hollowjack Style pages.
Tome Of Forbidden Appetites Memento
There can be found also new items inside Dremora Plunder Skulls.
You can collect a new Memento, the Tome of Forbidden Appetites Memento. And you can also find a new Outfit Style, the Crowborne Hunter armor Style.
Ghost Netch Pet
Furthermore, you have this year a chance to obtain the new adorable Ghost Netch pet.
Collect and Combine ten possessed shreds to unlock the Ghost Netch pet.
Witches Festival Dailies - Plucking The Crow Quest
In 2021, ESO added a daily reaptable Witches Festival Quest.
You can start the Plucking the Crow Quest at the Impresario’s tents or inside of Olyve’s Brewery.
For this quest, you have to gather 50 cursed feathers. Cursed feathers can be collected by opening any Plunder Skull.
After you have collected 50 cursed feathers, return to Olyve’s Brewery and follow the instructions.
Then, use the portal to fight & defeat the Crowborne Horror.
Completing this daily repeatable quest will reward you with three Plunder Skulls.
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Witches Festival House - Exorcised Coven Cottage
During the Witches Festival, you have also the opportunity to purchase a unique house.
The Exorcised Coven Cottage will be purchasable via the Crown Store or for 250,000 gold during the Witches Festival if you have the Witches Festival Achievement ‘An Unsparing Harvest’ unlocked.
This spooky and cozy little cottage is located in Glenumbra and is only available during the Witches Festival.
If you complete all achievements related to the Witches Festival, you can unlock the ‘Sun’s Dusk Reaper’ title.
Witches Festival Event Tickets
You can also earn Event Tickets during the Witches Festival.
You will earn 2 Event Tickets per day per account by defeating any boss monster in the Elder Scrolls Online. That can be, for example, a boss from a quest, in a delve, dolmen, world boss, trials, etc.
Don’t forget to loot the boss to get your Event Tickets.
Impresario Event Merchant
Of course, the Impresario Event Merchant is also opening her store during the Witches Festival.
This year, she is offering:
- Passion Dancer Blossom fragments,
- The first fragment for the Hoardhunter Ursauk mount,
- Witches Festival themed furnishings
- Hoardhunter Ursauk Mount
- Witches Grab Bags
- Crowborne Hunter Style pages
- Crowborne Hunter Style
- A Tome of Forbidden Appetites Memento
- Ghost Netch pet & more
Witches Grab Bags
Several rewards from previous Witches Fesitvals can no longer be found in Plunder Skulls.
These rewards are now inlcuded in the Witches Grab Bags, which you can purchase for 2 event tickets from the Impresario Event Merchant.
Inside the Witches Grab Bags you can find:
- Skeletal Marionette Memento Fragments for the Throwing Bones Memento
- Apple Bobbing Cauldron Memento
- Skeletal Marionette Memento
- Hollowjack Spectre Mask
- Pumpkin Spectre Mask
- Scarecrow Spectre Mask
- Thicketman Spectre Mask
- Marshmallow Toasty Treat Emote
- Witch’s Bonfire Dust Memento
- Bonedust Pigments for the Witch-Tames Bear Dog
- Witchmother’s Servant Style the Ghastly Visitation Memento
- Bound style pages for the Witchmother’s Servant Style
Indrik Vendor
The Indrik Vendor will also open her shop during the Event.
She offers during the fourth quarter of 2023:
- Nascent Indrik feathers
- Pure Snow Indrik berries & Crimson Indrik berries
- Frost-Light Indrik Pet & Rosethorn Indrik Pet
Philius Dormier
Philius Dormier, the Impresario’s Assistant, will also open his shop during the Witches Festival.
He offers during the fourth quarter of 2023:
- Unstable morpholith pet fragments
- Dagonic Quasigriff Mount fragments